Autonomy Software C++ 24.5.1
Welcome to the Autonomy Software repository of the Mars Rover Design Team (MRDT) at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T)! API reference contains the source code and other resources for the development of the autonomy software for our Mars rover. The Autonomy Software project aims to compete in the University Rover Challenge (URC) by demonstrating advanced autonomous capabilities and robust navigation algorithms.
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BS_thread_pool_test.cpp File Reference

BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library. This program tests all aspects of the library, but is not needed in order to use the library. More...

#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <chrono>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ios>
#include <limits>
#include <mutex>
#include <random>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <thread>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "BS_thread_pool.hpp"
#include "BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp"
Include dependency graph for BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:


class  detect_copy_move
 A class to detect when a copy or move constructor has been invoked. More...
class  flag_class
 A class to facilitate checking that member functions of different types have been successfully submitted. More...
struct  test_exception
 An exception class to be thrown when testing exception handling. More...
class  arg_parser
 A class to parse command line arguments. More...




using int64 = std::int_fast64_t


template<typename... T>
void dual_print (T &&... items)
 Print any number of items into the standard output and the log file, syncing both independently.
template<typename... T>
void dual_println (T &&... items)
 Print any number of items into both std::cout and the log file, syncing both independently. Also prints a newline character, and flushes the stream.
void print_header (const std::string_view text, const char symbol='=')
 Print a stylized header.
void check (const bool condition)
 Check if a condition is met, report the result, and keep count of the total number of successes and failures.
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void check (const T1 expected, const T2 obtained)
 Check if the expected result has been obtained, report the result, and keep count of the total number of successes and failures.
template<typename T >
bool all_flags_set (const T &flags)
 Check if all of the flags in a container are set.
template<typename T >
bool no_flags_set (const T &flags)
 Check if none of the flags in a container are set.
template<typename T >
random (const T min, const T max)
 Obtain a random number in a specified range.
template<typename T >
std::pair< T, T > random_pair (const T min, const T max)
 Obtain an ordered pair of two distinct random numbers in a specified range.
template<typename... T>
std::string make_string (T &&... items)
 Make a string out of items of various types.
std::string detect_compiler ()
 Detect the compiler used to compile this program.
std::string detect_os ()
 Detect the operating system used to compile this program.
std::string get_time ()
 Get a string representing the current time. If MSVC is detected, localtime_s will be used to avoid warning C4996.
std::vector< std::thread::id > obtain_unique_threads (BS::thread_pool &pool)
 Obtain a list of unique thread IDs in the pool. Submits a number of tasks equal to twice the thread count into the pool. Each task stores the ID of the thread running it, and then waits until as many tasks as the thread count are finished. This ensures that each thread in the pool runs at least one task, as the pool gets filled completely.
void check_constructor ()
 Check that the constructor works. Also checks that get_thread_ids() reports the correct IDs.
void check_reset ()
 Check that reset() works.
void check_task (const std::string_view which_func)
 Check that detach_task() or submit_task() work.
void check_member_function ()
 Check that submitting member functions works.
void check_member_function_within_object ()
 Check that submitting member functions within an object works.
void check_wait ()
 Check that wait() works.
void check_wait_blocks ()
 Check that wait() correctly blocks all external threads that call it.
void check_wait_for ()
 Check that wait_for() works.
void check_wait_until ()
 Check that wait_until() works.
void check_wait_multiple_deadlock ()
 Check that calling wait() more than once doesn't create a deadlock.
void check_wait_self_deadlock ()
 Check that calling wait() from within a thread of the same pool throws an exception instead of creating a deadlock.
bool check_loop_no_return (BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::string_view which_func)
 Check that detach_loop() or submit_loop() work for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with no return value.
void check_loop ()
 Check that detach_loop() and submit_loop() work using several different random values for the range of indices and number of tasks.
bool check_blocks_no_return (BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::string_view which_func)
 Check that detach_blocks() or submit_blocks() work for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with no return value.
void check_blocks_return (BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks)
 Check that submit_blocks() works for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with a return value.
void check_blocks ()
 Check that detach_blocks() and submit_blocks() work using several different random values for the range of indices and number of tasks.
bool check_sequence_no_return (BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const std::string_view which_func)
 Check that detach_sequence() or submit_sequence() work for a specific range of indices, with no return value.
void check_sequence_return (BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end)
 Check that submit_sequence() works for a specific range of indices, with a return value.
void check_sequence ()
 Check that detach_sequence() and submit_sequence() work using several different random values for the range of indices.
void check_task_monitoring ()
 Check that task monitoring works.
void check_pausing ()
 Check that pausing works.
void check_purge ()
 Check that purge() works.
void throws ()
 A function that throws a test_exception.
void check_exceptions_submit ()
 Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by submit_task().
void check_exceptions_multi_future ()
 Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by BS::multi_future.
bool check_vector_of_size (BS::thread_pool &pool, const size_t vector_size, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks)
 Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected by calculating the sum of two randomized vectors of a specific size in two ways, single-threaded and multithreaded, and comparing the results.
void check_vectors ()
 Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected.
void check_priority ()
 Check that task priority works as expected with all task submission methods.
void check_init ()
 Check that thread initialization functions and get_index() work.
void check_get_pool ()
 Check that get_pool() works.
template<typename F >
void check_deadlock (const F &&task)
 Check that the specified function does not create deadlocks. The function will be run many times to increase the probability of encountering a deadlock as a result of subtle timing issues. Uses an auxiliary pool so the whole test doesn't get stuck if a deadlock is encountered.
void print_timing (const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::pair< double, double > &mean_sd)
 Print the timing of a specific test.
template<typename T >
size_t min_element (const std::vector< T > &vec)
 Find the minimum element in a vector.
void print_speedup (const std::vector< double > &timings, const std::vector< BS::concurrency_t > &try_tasks)
 Calculate and print the speedup obtained by multithreading.
std::pair< double, double > analyze (const std::vector< std::chrono::milliseconds::rep > &timings)
 Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of integers.
double generate_element (const size_t idx)
 A function to generate vector elements. Chosen arbitrarily to simulate a typical numerical calculation.
void check_performance ()
 Benchmark multithreaded performance.
void show_intro ()
 Show basic information about the program.
void show_help ()
 Show the available command line options.
int main (int argc, char *argv[])


bool enable_benchmarks = true
bool enable_log = true
bool enable_long_deadlock_tests = false
bool enable_tests = true
BS::synced_stream sync_cout
std::ofstream log_file
BS::synced_stream sync_file (log_file)
size_t tests_succeeded = 0
size_t tests_failed = 0
BS::thread_pool check_wait_multiple_deadlock_pool
BS::thread_pool check_wait_self_deadlock_pool
BS::thread_pool check_deadlock_pool

Detailed Description

BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library. This program tests all aspects of the library, but is not needed in order to use the library.

Barak Shoshany ( (

Function Documentation

◆ dual_print()

template<typename... T>
void dual_print ( T &&...  items)

Print any number of items into the standard output and the log file, syncing both independently.

Template Parameters
TThe types of the items.
itemsThe items to print.
116 sync_cout.print(std::forward<T>(items)...);
117 if (enable_log)
118 sync_file.print(std::forward<T>(items)...);
void print(T &&... items)
Print any number of items into the output stream. Ensures that no other threads print to this stream ...
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:104
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dual_println()

template<typename... T>
void dual_println ( T &&...  items)

Print any number of items into both std::cout and the log file, syncing both independently. Also prints a newline character, and flushes the stream.

Template Parameters
TThe types of the items.
itemsThe items to print.
130 dual_print(std::forward<T>(items)..., BS::synced_stream::endl);
void dual_print(T &&... items)
Print any number of items into the standard output and the log file, syncing both independently.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:114
static std::ostream &(&) endl(std::ostream &)
A stream manipulator to pass to a synced_stream (an explicit cast of std::endl). Prints a newline cha...
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:125
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_header()

void print_header ( const std::string_view  text,
const char  symbol = '=' 

Print a stylized header.

textThe text of the header. Will appear between two lines.
symbolThe symbol to use for the lines. Default is '='.
141 dual_println();
142 dual_println(std::string(text.length(), symbol));
143 dual_println(text);
144 dual_println(std::string(text.length(), symbol));
void dual_println(T &&... items)
Print any number of items into both std::cout and the log file, syncing both independently....
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:128
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check() [1/2]

void check ( const bool  condition)

Check if a condition is met, report the result, and keep count of the total number of successes and failures.

conditionThe condition to check.
158 if (condition)
159 {
160 dual_println("-> PASSED!");
161 ++tests_succeeded;
162 }
163 else
164 {
165 dual_println("-> FAILED!");
166 ++tests_failed;
167 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check() [2/2]

template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
void check ( const T1  expected,
const T2  obtained 

Check if the expected result has been obtained, report the result, and keep count of the total number of successes and failures.

conditionThe condition to check.
178 dual_print("Expected: ", expected, ", obtained: ", obtained);
179 if (expected == obtained)
180 {
181 dual_println(" -> PASSED!");
182 ++tests_succeeded;
183 }
184 else
185 {
186 dual_println(" -> FAILED!");
187 ++tests_failed;
188 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ all_flags_set()

template<typename T >
bool all_flags_set ( const T &  flags)

Check if all of the flags in a container are set.

flagsThe container.
true if all flags are set, or false otherwise.
200 for (size_t i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i)
201 {
202 if (!flags[i])
203 return false;
204 }
205 return true;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ no_flags_set()

template<typename T >
bool no_flags_set ( const T &  flags)

Check if none of the flags in a container are set.

flagsThe container.
true if no flags are set, or false otherwise.
217 for (size_t i = 0; i < flags.size(); ++i)
218 {
219 if (flags[i])
220 return false;
221 }
222 return true;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random()

template<typename T >
T random ( const T  min,
const T  max 

Obtain a random number in a specified range.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the values in the range.
minThe minimum value of the range.
maxThe maximum value of the range.
The random number.
240 static std::random_device rand_device;
241 static std::mt19937_64 twister(rand_device());
242 std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dist(min, max);
243 return dist(twister);
static softfloat min()
static softfloat max()
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ random_pair()

template<typename T >
std::pair< T, T > random_pair ( const T  min,
const T  max 

Obtain an ordered pair of two distinct random numbers in a specified range.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the values in the range.
minThe minimum value of the range.
maxThe maximum value of the range. Must be larger than min.
The random numbers.
257 static std::random_device rand_device;
258 static std::mt19937_64 twister(rand_device());
259 std::uniform_int_distribution<T> dist(min, max);
260 T first = dist(twister);
261 T second;
262 do
263 {
264 second = dist(twister);
265 } while (second == first);
266 if (second < first)
267 return {second, first};
268 return {first, second};
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_string()

template<typename... T>
std::string make_string ( T &&...  items)

Make a string out of items of various types.

Template Parameters
TThe types of the items.
itemsThe items.
The generated string.
285 std::ostringstream out; // NOLINT(misc-const-correctness)
286 (out << ... << std::forward<T>(items));
287 return out.str();
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ detect_compiler()

std::string detect_compiler ( )

Detect the compiler used to compile this program.

A string describing the compiler.
297#if defined(__clang__)
298 return make_string("Clang v", __clang_major__, '.', __clang_minor__, '.', __clang_patchlevel__);
299#elif defined(__GNUC__)
300 return make_string("GCC v", __GNUC__, '.', __GNUC_MINOR__, '.', __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__);
301#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
302 return make_string("MSVC v", _MSC_FULL_VER);
304 return "Other";
std::string make_string(T &&... items)
Make a string out of items of various types.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:283
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ detect_os()

std::string detect_os ( )

Detect the operating system used to compile this program.

A string describing the operating system.
315#if defined(__linux__)
316 return "Linux";
317#elif defined(_WIN32)
318 return "Windows";
319#elif defined(__APPLE__)
320 return "macOS";
322 return "Other";
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_time()

std::string get_time ( )

Get a string representing the current time. If MSVC is detected, localtime_s will be used to avoid warning C4996.

The string.
333 constexpr std::string_view error = "Error obtaining current time!";
334 std::string time_string = "YYYY-MM-DD_HH.MM.SS";
335 std::tm local_tm = {};
336 const std::time_t epoch = std::time(nullptr);
337#if defined(_MSC_VER)
338 if (localtime_s(&local_tm, &epoch) != 0)
339 {
340 dual_println(error);
341 return "";
342 }
344 local_tm = *std::localtime(&epoch);
346 const size_t bytes = std::strftime(, time_string.length() + 1, "%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M.%S", &local_tm);
347 if (bytes != time_string.length())
348 {
349 dual_println(error);
350 return "";
351 }
352 return time_string;
void error(int _code, const String &_err, const char *_func, const char *_file, int _line)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ obtain_unique_threads()

std::vector< std::thread::id > obtain_unique_threads ( BS::thread_pool pool)

Obtain a list of unique thread IDs in the pool. Submits a number of tasks equal to twice the thread count into the pool. Each task stores the ID of the thread running it, and then waits until as many tasks as the thread count are finished. This ensures that each thread in the pool runs at least one task, as the pool gets filled completely.

poolThe thread pool to check.
366 const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks = pool.get_thread_count() * 2;
367 std::vector<std::thread::id> thread_ids(num_tasks);
368 std::atomic<BS::concurrency_t> total_count = 0;
369 BS::signaller signal;
370 for (std::thread::id& tid : thread_ids)
371 {
372 pool.detach_task(
373 [&total_count, &tid, &signal, thread_count = pool.get_thread_count()]
374 {
375 tid = std::this_thread::get_id();
376 if (++total_count == thread_count)
377 signal.ready();
378 signal.wait();
379 });
380 }
381 pool.wait();
382 std::sort(thread_ids.begin(), thread_ids.end());
383 const std::vector<std::thread::id>::iterator last = std::unique(thread_ids.begin(), thread_ids.end());
384 thread_ids.erase(last, thread_ids.end());
385 return thread_ids;
A utility class to allow simple signalling between threads.
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:35
void wait()
Wait for tasks to be completed. Normally, this function waits for all tasks, both those that are curr...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:761
void detach_task(F &&task BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Submit a function with no arguments and no return value into the task queue, with the specified prior...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:459
concurrency_t get_thread_count() const
Get the number of threads in the pool.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:399
std::invoke_result_t< decltype(std::thread::hardware_concurrency)> concurrency_t
A convenient shorthand for the type of std::thread::hardware_concurrency(). Should evaluate to unsign...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:60
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_constructor()

void check_constructor ( )

Check that the constructor works. Also checks that get_thread_ids() reports the correct IDs.

393 BS::thread_pool pool;
394 dual_println("Checking that the thread pool reports a number of threads equal to the hardware concurrency...");
395 check(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), pool.get_thread_count());
396 dual_println("Checking that the manually counted number of unique thread IDs is equal to the reported number of threads...");
397 const std::vector<std::thread::id> unique_threads = obtain_unique_threads(pool);
398 check(pool.get_thread_count(), unique_threads.size());
399 dual_println("Checking that the unique thread IDs obtained are the same as those reported by get_thread_ids()...");
400 std::vector<std::thread::id> threads_from_pool = pool.get_thread_ids();
401 std::sort(threads_from_pool.begin(), threads_from_pool.end());
402 check(threads_from_pool == unique_threads);
std::vector< std::thread::id > obtain_unique_threads(BS::thread_pool &pool)
Obtain a list of unique thread IDs in the pool. Submits a number of tasks equal to twice the thread c...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:364
void check(const bool condition)
Check if a condition is met, report the result, and keep count of the total number of successes and f...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:156
A fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool class.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:289
std::vector< std::thread::id > get_thread_ids() const
Get a vector containing the unique identifiers for each of the pool's threads, as obtained by std::th...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:409
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_reset()

void check_reset ( )

Check that reset() works.

410 BS::thread_pool pool;
411 pool.reset(std::thread::hardware_concurrency() * 2);
412 dual_println("Checking that after reset() the thread pool reports a number of threads equal to double the hardware concurrency...");
413 check(std::thread::hardware_concurrency() * 2, pool.get_thread_count());
414 dual_println("Checking that after reset() the manually counted number of unique thread IDs is equal to the reported number of threads...");
416 pool.reset(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
417 dual_println("Checking that after a second reset() the thread pool reports a number of threads equal to the hardware concurrency...");
418 check(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), pool.get_thread_count());
419 dual_println("Checking that after a second reset() the manually counted number of unique thread IDs is equal to the reported number of threads...");
void reset()
Reset the pool with the total number of hardware threads available, as reported by the implementation...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:545
GOpaque< Size > size(const GMat &src)
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_task()

void check_task ( const std::string_view  which_func)

Check that detach_task() or submit_task() work.

which_funcA string naming the function to check.
465 BS::thread_pool pool;
466 dual_println("Checking that ", which_func, " works for a function with no arguments or return value...");
467 {
468 bool flag = false;
469 const std::function<void()> func = [&flag]
470 {
471 flag = true;
472 };
473 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
474 {
475 pool.detach_task(func);
476 pool.wait();
477 }
478 else
479 {
480 pool.submit_task(func).wait();
481 }
482 check(flag);
483 }
484 dual_println("Checking that ", which_func, " works for a function with one argument and no return value...");
485 {
486 bool flag = false;
487 const std::function<void(bool&)> func = [](bool& flag_)
488 {
489 flag_ = true;
490 };
491 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
492 {
493 pool.detach_task(
494 [&func, &flag]
495 {
496 func(flag);
497 });
498 pool.wait();
499 }
500 else
501 {
502 pool.submit_task(
503 [&func, &flag]
504 {
505 func(flag);
506 })
507 .wait();
508 }
509 check(flag);
510 }
511 dual_println("Checking that ", which_func, " works for a function with two arguments and no return value...");
512 {
513 bool flag1 = false;
514 bool flag2 = false;
515 const std::function<void(bool&, bool&)> func = [](bool& flag1_, bool& flag2_)
516 {
517 flag1_ = flag2_ = true;
518 };
519 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
520 {
521 pool.detach_task(
522 [&func, &flag1, &flag2]
523 {
524 func(flag1, flag2);
525 });
526 pool.wait();
527 }
528 else
529 {
530 pool.submit_task(
531 [&func, &flag1, &flag2]
532 {
533 func(flag1, flag2);
534 })
535 .wait();
536 }
537 check(flag1 && flag2);
538 }
539 if (which_func == "submit_task()")
540 {
541 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a function with no arguments and a return value...");
542 {
543 bool flag = false;
544 const std::function<bool()> func = [&flag]
545 {
546 return (flag = true);
547 };
548 std::future<bool> flag_future = pool.submit_task(func);
549 check(flag_future.get() && flag);
550 }
551 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a function with one argument and a return value...");
552 {
553 bool flag = false;
554 const std::function<bool(bool&)> func = [](bool& flag_)
555 {
556 return (flag_ = true);
557 };
558 std::future<bool> flag_future = pool.submit_task(
559 [&func, &flag]
560 {
561 return func(flag);
562 });
563 check(flag_future.get() && flag);
564 }
565 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a function with two arguments and a return value...");
566 {
567 bool flag1 = false;
568 bool flag2 = false;
569 const std::function<bool(bool&, bool&)> func = [](bool& flag1_, bool& flag2_)
570 {
571 return (flag1_ = flag2_ = true);
572 };
573 std::future<bool> flag_future = pool.submit_task(
574 [&func, &flag1, &flag2]
575 {
576 return func(flag1, flag2);
577 });
578 check(flag_future.get() && flag1 && flag2);
579 }
580 }
581 dual_println("Checking that ", which_func, " does not create unnecessary copies of the function object...");
582 {
583 bool copied = false;
584 bool moved = false;
585 std::function<void()> test_copy = [detect = detect_copy_move(), &copied, &moved]
586 {
587 copied = detect.get_copied();
588 moved = detect.get_moved();
589 };
590 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
591 {
592 pool.detach_task(std::move(test_copy));
593 pool.wait();
594 }
595 else
596 {
597 pool.submit_task(std::move(test_copy)).wait();
598 }
599 check(!copied && moved);
600 }
601 dual_println("Checking that ", which_func, " correctly accepts arguments passed by value, reference, and constant reference...");
602 {
603 {
604 dual_println("Value:");
605 const int64 pass_me_by_value = 0;
606 const std::function<void(int64)> func_value = [](int64 passed_by_value)
607 {
608 if (++passed_by_value != 1)
609 static_cast<void>(0);
610 };
611 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
612 {
613 pool.detach_task(
614 [&func_value, pbv = pass_me_by_value]
615 {
616 func_value(pbv);
617 });
618 pool.wait();
619 }
620 else
621 {
622 pool.submit_task(
623 [&func_value, pbv = pass_me_by_value]
624 {
625 func_value(pbv);
626 })
627 .wait();
628 }
629 check(pass_me_by_value == 0);
630 }
631 {
632 dual_println("Reference:");
633 int64 pass_me_by_ref = 0;
634 const std::function<void(int64&)> func_ref = [](int64& passed_by_ref)
635 {
636 ++passed_by_ref;
637 };
638 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
639 {
640 pool.detach_task(
641 [&func_ref, &pass_me_by_ref]
642 {
643 func_ref(pass_me_by_ref);
644 });
645 pool.wait();
646 }
647 else
648 {
649 pool.submit_task(
650 [&func_ref, &pass_me_by_ref]
651 {
652 func_ref(pass_me_by_ref);
653 })
654 .wait();
655 }
656 check(pass_me_by_ref == 1);
657 }
658 {
659 dual_println("Constant reference:");
660 int64 pass_me_by_cref = 0;
661 BS::signaller signal;
662 const std::function<void(const int64&)> func_cref = [&signal](const int64& passed_by_cref)
663 {
664 signal.wait();
665 check(passed_by_cref == 1);
666 };
667 if (which_func == "detach_task()")
668 {
669 pool.detach_task(
670 [&func_cref, &pass_me_by_cref = std::as_const(pass_me_by_cref)]
671 {
672 func_cref(pass_me_by_cref);
673 });
674 ++pass_me_by_cref;
675 signal.ready();
676 pool.wait();
677 }
678 else
679 {
680 const std::future<void> future = pool.submit_task(
681 [&func_cref, &pass_me_by_cref = std::as_const(pass_me_by_cref)]
682 {
683 func_cref(pass_me_by_cref);
684 });
685 ++pass_me_by_cref;
686 signal.ready();
687 future.wait();
688 }
689 }
690 }
void ready()
Inform any waiting threads that the signaller is ready.
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:53
void wait()
Wait until the signaller is ready.
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:61
std::future< R > submit_task(F &&task BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Submit a function with no arguments into the task queue, with the specified priority....
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:605
A class to detect when a copy or move constructor has been invoked.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:431
int64_t int64
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_member_function()

void check_member_function ( )

Check that submitting member functions works.

800 BS::thread_pool pool;
801 dual_println("Checking that detach_task() works for a member function with no arguments or return value...");
802 {
803 flag_class flag(pool);
804 pool.detach_task(
805 [&flag]
806 {
807 flag.set_flag_no_args();
808 });
809 pool.wait();
810 check(flag.get_flag());
811 }
812 dual_println("Checking that detach_task() works for a member function with one argument and no return value...");
813 {
814 flag_class flag(pool);
815 pool.detach_task(
816 [&flag]
817 {
818 flag.set_flag_one_arg(true);
819 });
820 pool.wait();
821 check(flag.get_flag());
822 }
823 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a member function with no arguments or return value...");
824 {
825 flag_class flag(pool);
826 pool.submit_task(
827 [&flag]
828 {
829 flag.set_flag_no_args();
830 })
831 .wait();
832 check(flag.get_flag());
833 }
834 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a member function with one argument and no return value...");
835 {
836 flag_class flag(pool);
837 pool.submit_task(
838 [&flag]
839 {
840 flag.set_flag_one_arg(true);
841 })
842 .wait();
843 check(flag.get_flag());
844 }
845 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a member function with no arguments and a return value...");
846 {
847 flag_class flag(pool);
848 std::future<bool> flag_future = pool.submit_task(
849 [&flag]
850 {
851 return flag.set_flag_no_args_return();
852 });
853 check(flag_future.get() && flag.get_flag());
854 }
855 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works for a member function with one argument and a return value...");
856 {
857 flag_class flag(pool);
858 std::future<bool> flag_future = pool.submit_task(
859 [&flag]
860 {
861 return flag.set_flag_one_arg_return(true);
862 });
863 check(flag_future.get() && flag.get_flag());
864 }
A class to facilitate checking that member functions of different types have been successfully submit...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:697
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_member_function_within_object()

void check_member_function_within_object ( )

Check that submitting member functions within an object works.

872 BS::thread_pool pool;
873 dual_println("Checking that detach_task() works within an object for a member function with no arguments or return value...");
874 {
875 flag_class flag(pool);
876 flag.detach_test_flag_no_args();
877 }
878 dual_println("Checking that detach_task() works within an object for a member function with one argument and no return value...");
879 {
880 flag_class flag(pool);
881 flag.detach_test_flag_one_arg();
882 }
883 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works within an object for a member function with no arguments or return value...");
884 {
885 flag_class flag(pool);
886 flag.submit_test_flag_no_args();
887 }
888 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works within an object for a member function with one argument and no return value...");
889 {
890 flag_class flag(pool);
891 flag.submit_test_flag_one_arg();
892 }
893 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works within an object for a member function with no arguments and a return value...");
894 {
895 flag_class flag(pool);
896 flag.submit_test_flag_no_args_return();
897 }
898 dual_println("Checking that submit_task() works within an object for a member function with one argument and a return value...");
899 {
900 flag_class flag(pool);
901 flag.submit_test_flag_one_arg_return();
902 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait()

void check_wait ( )

Check that wait() works.

914 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(10);
915 BS::thread_pool pool;
916 const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks = pool.get_thread_count() * 10;
917 std::vector<std::atomic<bool>> flags(num_tasks);
918 for (BS::concurrency_t i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i)
919 {
920 pool.detach_task(
921 [&flags, i, sleep_time]
922 {
923 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
924 flags[i] = true;
925 });
926 }
927 dual_println("Waiting for tasks...");
928 pool.wait();
929 check(all_flags_set(flags));
bool all_flags_set(const T &flags)
Check if all of the flags in a container are set.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:198
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait_blocks()

void check_wait_blocks ( )

Check that wait() correctly blocks all external threads that call it.

937 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(100);
938 constexpr BS::concurrency_t num_waiting_tasks = 4;
939 BS::thread_pool pool;
940 BS::signaller signal;
941 dual_println("Checking that wait() correctly blocks all external threads that call it...");
942 pool.detach_task(
943 [&signal]
944 {
945 dual_println("Task submitted to pool 1 and waiting to be released...");
946 signal.wait();
947 dual_println("Task released.");
948 });
949 BS::thread_pool temp_pool(num_waiting_tasks);
950 std::vector<std::atomic<bool>> flags(num_waiting_tasks);
951 const std::function<void(BS::concurrency_t)> waiting_task = [&flags, &pool](const BS::concurrency_t task_num)
952 {
953 dual_println("Task ", task_num, " submitted to pool 2 and waiting for pool 1's task to finish...");
954 pool.wait();
955 dual_println("Task ", task_num, " finished waiting.");
956 flags[task_num] = true;
957 };
958 for (BS::concurrency_t i = 0; i < num_waiting_tasks; ++i)
959 temp_pool.detach_task(
960 [&waiting_task, i]
961 {
962 waiting_task(i);
963 });
964 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
965 check(no_flags_set(flags));
966 signal.ready();
967 temp_pool.wait();
968 check(all_flags_set(flags));
bool no_flags_set(const T &flags)
Check if none of the flags in a container are set.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:215
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait_for()

void check_wait_for ( )

Check that wait_for() works.

976 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds long_sleep_time(250);
977 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds short_sleep_time(10);
978 BS::thread_pool pool;
979 dual_println("Checking that wait_for() works...");
980 std::atomic<bool> done = false;
981 pool.detach_task(
982 [&done, long_sleep_time]
983 {
984 std::this_thread::sleep_for(long_sleep_time);
985 done = true;
986 });
987 dual_println("Task that lasts ", long_sleep_time.count(), "ms submitted. Waiting for ", short_sleep_time.count(), "ms...");
988 pool.wait_for(short_sleep_time);
989 check(!done);
990 dual_println("Waiting for ", long_sleep_time.count() * 2, "ms...");
991 pool.wait_for(long_sleep_time * 2);
992 check(done);
bool wait_for(const std::chrono::duration< R, P > &duration)
Wait for tasks to be completed, but stop waiting after the specified duration has passed.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:788
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait_until()

void check_wait_until ( )

Check that wait_until() works.

1000 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds long_sleep_time(250);
1001 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds short_sleep_time(10);
1002 BS::thread_pool pool;
1003 dual_println("Checking that wait_until() works...");
1004 std::atomic<bool> done = false;
1005 pool.detach_task(
1006 [&done, long_sleep_time]
1007 {
1008 std::this_thread::sleep_for(long_sleep_time);
1009 done = true;
1010 });
1011 const std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
1012 dual_println("Task that lasts ", long_sleep_time.count(), "ms submitted. Waiting until ", short_sleep_time.count(), "ms from submission time...");
1013 pool.wait_until(now + short_sleep_time);
1014 check(!done);
1015 dual_println("Waiting until ", long_sleep_time.count() * 2, "ms from submission time...");
1016 pool.wait_until(now + long_sleep_time * 2);
1017 check(done);
bool wait_until(const std::chrono::time_point< C, D > &timeout_time)
Wait for tasks to be completed, but stop waiting after the specified time point has been reached.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:816
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait_multiple_deadlock()

void check_wait_multiple_deadlock ( )

Check that calling wait() more than once doesn't create a deadlock.

1028 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(500);
1029 constexpr size_t n_waiting_tasks = 1000;
1030 dual_println("Checking for deadlocks when waiting for tasks...");
1031 BS::thread_pool pool(1);
1032 pool.detach_task(
1033 [sleep_time]
1034 {
1035 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1036 });
1037 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1038 for (size_t j = 0; j < n_waiting_tasks; ++j)
1039 {
1040 check_wait_multiple_deadlock_pool.detach_task(
1041 [&pool, &count]
1042 {
1043 pool.wait();
1044 ++count;
1045 });
1046 }
1047 bool passed = false;
1048 while (true)
1049 {
1050 const size_t old_count = count;
1051 check_wait_multiple_deadlock_pool.wait_for(sleep_time * 2);
1052 if (count == n_waiting_tasks)
1053 {
1054 dual_println("All waiting tasks successfully finished!");
1055 passed = true;
1056 break;
1057 }
1058 if (count == old_count)
1059 {
1060 dual_println("Error: deadlock detected!");
1061 passed = false;
1062 break;
1063 }
1064 dual_println(count, " tasks out of ", n_waiting_tasks, " finished waiting...");
1065 }
1066 check(passed);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_wait_self_deadlock()

void check_wait_self_deadlock ( )

Check that calling wait() from within a thread of the same pool throws an exception instead of creating a deadlock.

1078 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(100);
1079 dual_println("Checking for deadlocks when waiting from within a thread of the same pool...");
1080 std::atomic<bool> passed = false;
1081 check_wait_self_deadlock_pool.detach_task(
1082 [&passed]
1083 {
1084 try
1085 {
1086 check_wait_self_deadlock_pool.wait();
1087 }
1088 catch (const BS::thread_pool::wait_deadlock&)
1089 {
1090 passed = true;
1091 }
1092 });
1093 check_wait_self_deadlock_pool.wait_for(sleep_time);
1094 check(passed);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_loop_no_return()

bool check_loop_no_return ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const int64  random_start,
const int64  random_end,
const BS::concurrency_t  num_tasks,
const std::string_view  which_func 

Check that detach_loop() or submit_loop() work for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with no return value.

poolThe thread pool to check.
random_startThe first index in the loop.
random_endThe last index in the loop plus 1.
num_tasksThe number of tasks.
which_funcA string naming the function to check.
true if the check succeeded, false otherwise.
1114 dual_println("Verifying that ", which_func, " from ", random_start, " to ", random_end, " with ", num_tasks, num_tasks == 1 ? " task" : " tasks", " modifies all indices exactly once...");
1115 const size_t num_indices = static_cast<size_t>(random_end - random_start);
1116 std::vector<std::atomic<int64>> flags(num_indices);
1117 std::atomic<bool> indices_out_of_range = false;
1118 const std::function<void(int64)> loop = [&flags, random_start, random_end, &indices_out_of_range](const int64 idx)
1119 {
1120 if (idx < random_start || idx > random_end)
1121 indices_out_of_range = true;
1122 else
1123 ++flags[static_cast<size_t>(idx - random_start)];
1124 };
1125 if (which_func == "detach_loop()")
1126 {
1127 pool.detach_loop(random_start, random_end, loop, num_tasks);
1128 pool.wait();
1129 }
1130 else
1131 {
1132 pool.submit_loop(random_start, random_end, loop, num_tasks).wait();
1133 }
1134 if (indices_out_of_range)
1135 {
1136 dual_println("Error: Loop indices out of range!");
1137 return false;
1138 }
1139 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i)
1140 {
1141 if (flags[i] != 1)
1142 return false;
1143 }
1144 return true;
void detach_loop(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&loop, const size_t num_blocks=0 BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Parallelize a loop by automatically splitting it into blocks and submitting each block separately to ...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:506
multi_future< void > submit_loop(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&loop, const size_t num_blocks=0 BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Parallelize a loop by automatically splitting it into blocks and submitting each block separately to ...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:686
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_loop()

void check_loop ( )

Check that detach_loop() and submit_loop() work using several different random values for the range of indices and number of tasks.

1152 constexpr int64 range = 1000000;
1153 constexpr size_t repeats = 10;
1154 BS::thread_pool pool;
1155 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1156 {
1157 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1158 check(check_loop_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count()), "detach_loop()"));
1159 }
1160 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1161 {
1162 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1163 check(check_loop_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count()), "submit_loop()"));
1164 }
1165 dual_println("Verifying that detach_loop() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1166 {
1167 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1168 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1169 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1170 pool.detach_loop(index, index,
1171 [&count](const int64)
1172 {
1173 ++count;
1174 });
1175 pool.wait();
1176 check(count == 0);
1177 }
1178 dual_println("Verifying that submit_loop() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1179 {
1180 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1181 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1182 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1183 pool.submit_loop(index, index,
1184 [&count](const int64)
1185 {
1186 ++count;
1187 })
1188 .wait();
1189 check(count == 0);
1190 }
1191 dual_println("Verifying that detach_loop() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1192 {
1193 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1194 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1195 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1196 pool.detach_loop(indices.second, indices.first,
1197 [&count](const int64)
1198 {
1199 ++count;
1200 });
1201 pool.wait();
1202 check(count == 0);
1203 }
1204 dual_println("Verifying that submit_loop() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1205 {
1206 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1207 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1208 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1209 pool.submit_loop(indices.second, indices.first,
1210 [&count](const int64)
1211 {
1212 ++count;
1213 })
1214 .wait();
1215 check(count == 0);
1216 }
1217 dual_println("Trying detach_loop() with a number of tasks larger than the number of indices:");
1218 {
1219 const int64 start = random(-range, range);
1220 check(check_loop_no_return(pool, start, start + random<BS::concurrency_t>(0, pool.get_thread_count() * 2), random<BS::concurrency_t>(pool.get_thread_count() * 2, pool.get_thread_count() * 4), "detach_loop()"));
1221 }
1222 dual_println("Trying submit_loop() with a number of tasks larger than the number of indices:");
1223 {
1224 const int64 start = random(-range, range);
1225 check(check_loop_no_return(pool, start, start + random<BS::concurrency_t>(0, pool.get_thread_count() * 2), random<BS::concurrency_t>(pool.get_thread_count() * 2, pool.get_thread_count() * 4), "submit_loop()"));
1226 }
std::pair< T, T > random_pair(const T min, const T max)
Obtain an ordered pair of two distinct random numbers in a specified range.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:255
T random(const T min, const T max)
Obtain a random number in a specified range.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:238
bool check_loop_no_return(BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::string_view which_func)
Check that detach_loop() or submit_loop() work for a specific range of indices split over a specific ...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1112
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_blocks_no_return()

bool check_blocks_no_return ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const int64  random_start,
const int64  random_end,
const BS::concurrency_t  num_tasks,
const std::string_view  which_func 

Check that detach_blocks() or submit_blocks() work for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with no return value.

poolThe thread pool to check.
random_startThe first index in the loop.
random_endThe last index in the loop plus 1.
num_tasksThe number of tasks.
which_funcA string naming the function to check.
true if the check succeeded, false otherwise.
1241 dual_println("Verifying that ", which_func, " from ", random_start, " to ", random_end, " with ", num_tasks, num_tasks == 1 ? " task" : " tasks", " modifies all indices exactly once...");
1242 const size_t num_indices = static_cast<size_t>(random_end - random_start);
1243 std::vector<std::atomic<int64>> flags(num_indices);
1244 std::atomic<bool> indices_out_of_range = false;
1245 const std::function<void(int64, int64)> loop = [&flags, random_start, random_end, &indices_out_of_range](const int64 start, const int64 end)
1246 {
1247 if (start < random_start || end > random_end)
1248 {
1249 indices_out_of_range = true;
1250 }
1251 else
1252 {
1253 for (int64 i = start; i < end; ++i)
1254 ++flags[static_cast<size_t>(i - random_start)];
1255 }
1256 };
1257 if (which_func == "detach_blocks()")
1258 {
1259 pool.detach_blocks(random_start, random_end, loop, num_tasks);
1260 pool.wait();
1261 }
1262 else
1263 {
1264 pool.submit_blocks(random_start, random_end, loop, num_tasks).wait();
1265 }
1266 if (indices_out_of_range)
1267 {
1268 dual_println("Error: Loop indices out of range!");
1269 return false;
1270 }
1271 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i)
1272 {
1273 if (flags[i] != 1)
1274 return false;
1275 }
1276 return true;
multi_future< R > submit_blocks(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&block, const size_t num_blocks=0 BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Parallelize a loop by automatically splitting it into blocks and submitting each block separately to ...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:655
void detach_blocks(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&block, const size_t num_blocks=0 BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Parallelize a loop by automatically splitting it into blocks and submitting each block separately to ...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:480
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_blocks_return()

void check_blocks_return ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const int64  random_start,
const int64  random_end,
const BS::concurrency_t  num_tasks 

Check that submit_blocks() works for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of tasks, with a return value.

poolThe thread pool to check.
random_startThe first index in the loop.
random_endThe last index in the loop plus 1.
num_tasksThe number of tasks.
1289 dual_println("Verifying that submit_blocks() from ", random_start, " to ", random_end, " with ", num_tasks, num_tasks == 1 ? " task" : " tasks", " correctly sums all indices...");
1290 const std::function<int64(int64, int64)> loop = [](const int64 start, const int64 end)
1291 {
1292 int64 total = 0;
1293 for (int64 i = start; i < end; ++i)
1294 total += i;
1295 return total;
1296 };
1297 const std::vector<int64> sums_vector = pool.submit_blocks(random_start, random_end, loop, num_tasks).get();
1298 int64 sum = 0;
1299 for (const int64 partial_sum : sums_vector)
1300 sum += partial_sum;
1301 check(std::abs(random_start - random_end) * (random_start + random_end - 1) / 2, sum);
Scalar sum(InputArray src)
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_blocks()

void check_blocks ( )

Check that detach_blocks() and submit_blocks() work using several different random values for the range of indices and number of tasks.

1309 constexpr int64 range = 1000000;
1310 constexpr size_t repeats = 10;
1311 BS::thread_pool pool;
1312 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1313 {
1314 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1315 check(check_blocks_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count()), "detach_blocks()"));
1316 }
1317 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1318 {
1319 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1320 check(check_blocks_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count()), "submit_blocks()"));
1321 }
1322 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1323 {
1324 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1325 check_blocks_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count()));
1326 }
1327 dual_println("Verifying that detach_blocks() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1328 {
1329 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1330 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1331 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1332 pool.detach_blocks(index, index,
1333 [&count](const int64, const int64)
1334 {
1335 ++count;
1336 });
1337 pool.wait();
1338 check(count == 0);
1339 }
1340 dual_println("Verifying that submit_blocks() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1341 {
1342 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1343 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1344 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1345 pool.submit_blocks(index, index,
1346 [&count](const int64, const int64)
1347 {
1348 ++count;
1349 })
1350 .wait();
1351 check(count == 0);
1352 }
1353 dual_println("Verifying that detach_blocks() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1354 {
1355 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1356 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1357 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1358 pool.detach_blocks(indices.second, indices.first,
1359 [&count](const int64, const int64)
1360 {
1361 ++count;
1362 });
1363 pool.wait();
1364 check(count == 0);
1365 }
1366 dual_println("Verifying that submit_blocks() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1367 {
1368 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1369 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1370 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1371 pool.submit_blocks(indices.second, indices.first,
1372 [&count](const int64, const int64)
1373 {
1374 ++count;
1375 })
1376 .wait();
1377 check(count == 0);
1378 }
1379 dual_println("Trying detach_blocks() with a number of tasks larger than the number of indices:");
1380 {
1381 const int64 start = random(-range, range);
1382 check(check_blocks_no_return(pool, start, start + random<BS::concurrency_t>(0, pool.get_thread_count() * 2), random<BS::concurrency_t>(pool.get_thread_count() * 2, pool.get_thread_count() * 4), "detach_blocks()"));
1383 }
1384 dual_println("Trying submit_blocks() with a number of tasks larger than the number of indices:");
1385 {
1386 const int64 start = random(-range, range);
1387 check(check_blocks_no_return(pool, start, start + random<BS::concurrency_t>(0, pool.get_thread_count() * 2), random<BS::concurrency_t>(pool.get_thread_count() * 2, pool.get_thread_count() * 4), "submit_blocks()"));
1388 }
bool check_blocks_no_return(BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::string_view which_func)
Check that detach_blocks() or submit_blocks() work for a specific range of indices split over a speci...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1239
void check_blocks_return(BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks)
Check that submit_blocks() works for a specific range of indices split over a specific number of task...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1287
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_sequence_no_return()

bool check_sequence_no_return ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const int64  random_start,
const int64  random_end,
const std::string_view  which_func 

Check that detach_sequence() or submit_sequence() work for a specific range of indices, with no return value.

poolThe thread pool to check.
random_startThe first index in the sequence.
random_endThe last index in the sequence plus 1.
which_funcA string naming the function to check.
true if the check succeeded, false otherwise.
1406 dual_println("Verifying that ", which_func, " from ", random_start, " to ", random_end, " modifies all indices exactly once...");
1407 const size_t num_indices = static_cast<size_t>(random_end - random_start);
1408 std::vector<std::atomic<int64>> flags(num_indices);
1409 std::atomic<bool> indices_out_of_range = false;
1410 const std::function<void(int64)> sequence = [&flags, random_start, random_end, &indices_out_of_range](const int64 index)
1411 {
1412 if (index < random_start || index > random_end)
1413 indices_out_of_range = true;
1414 else
1415 ++flags[static_cast<size_t>(index - random_start)];
1416 };
1417 if (which_func == "detach_sequence()")
1418 {
1419 pool.detach_sequence(random_start, random_end, sequence);
1420 pool.wait();
1421 }
1422 else
1423 {
1424 pool.submit_sequence(random_start, random_end, sequence).wait();
1425 }
1426 if (indices_out_of_range)
1427 {
1428 dual_println("Error: Sequence indices out of range!");
1429 return false;
1430 }
1431 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_indices; ++i)
1432 {
1433 if (flags[i] != 1)
1434 return false;
1435 }
1436 return true;
multi_future< R > submit_sequence(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&sequence BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Submit a sequence of tasks enumerated by indices to the queue, with the specified priority....
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:718
void detach_sequence(const T first_index, const T index_after_last, F &&sequence BS_THREAD_POOL_PRIORITY_INPUT)
Submit a sequence of tasks enumerated by indices to the queue, with the specified priority....
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:532
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_sequence_return()

void check_sequence_return ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const int64  random_start,
const int64  random_end 

Check that submit_sequence() works for a specific range of indices, with a return value.

poolThe thread pool to check.
random_startThe first index in the sequence.
random_endThe last index in the sequence plus 1.
1448 dual_println("Verifying that submit_sequence() from ", random_start, " to ", random_end, " correctly sums all squares of indices...");
1449 const std::function<int64(int64)> sequence = [](const int64 index)
1450 {
1451 return index * index;
1452 };
1453 const std::vector<int64> sums_vector = pool.submit_sequence(random_start, random_end, sequence).get();
1454 int64 sum = 0;
1455 for (const int64 partial_sum : sums_vector)
1456 sum += partial_sum;
1457 int64 correct_sum = 0;
1458 for (int64 i = random_start; i < random_end; i++)
1459 correct_sum += i * i;
1460 check(correct_sum, sum);
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_sequence()

void check_sequence ( )

Check that detach_sequence() and submit_sequence() work using several different random values for the range of indices.

1468 constexpr int64 range = 1000;
1469 constexpr size_t repeats = 10;
1470 BS::thread_pool pool;
1471 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1472 {
1473 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1474 check(check_sequence_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, "detach_sequence()"));
1475 }
1476 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1477 {
1478 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1479 check(check_sequence_no_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second, "submit_sequence()"));
1480 }
1481 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1482 {
1483 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1484 check_sequence_return(pool, indices.first, indices.second);
1485 }
1486 dual_println("Verifying that detach_sequence() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1487 {
1488 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1489 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1490 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1491 pool.detach_sequence(index, index,
1492 [&count](const int64)
1493 {
1494 ++count;
1495 });
1496 pool.wait();
1497 check(count == 0);
1498 }
1499 dual_println("Verifying that submit_sequence() with identical start and end indices does nothing...");
1500 {
1501 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1502 const int64 index = random(-range, range);
1503 dual_println("Range: ", index, " to ", index);
1504 pool.submit_sequence(index, index,
1505 [&count](const int64)
1506 {
1507 ++count;
1508 })
1509 .wait();
1510 check(count == 0);
1511 }
1512 dual_println("Verifying that detach_sequence() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1513 {
1514 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1515 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1516 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1517 pool.detach_sequence(indices.second, indices.first,
1518 [&count](const int64)
1519 {
1520 ++count;
1521 });
1522 pool.wait();
1523 check(count == 0);
1524 }
1525 dual_println("Verifying that submit_sequence() with end index smaller than the start index does nothing...");
1526 {
1527 std::atomic<size_t> count = 0;
1528 const std::pair<int64, int64> indices = random_pair(-range, range);
1529 dual_println("Range: ", indices.second, " to ", indices.first);
1530 pool.submit_sequence(indices.second, indices.first,
1531 [&count](const int64)
1532 {
1533 ++count;
1534 })
1535 .wait();
1536 check(count == 0);
1537 }
void check_sequence_return(BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end)
Check that submit_sequence() works for a specific range of indices, with a return value.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1446
bool check_sequence_no_return(BS::thread_pool &pool, const int64 random_start, const int64 random_end, const std::string_view which_func)
Check that detach_sequence() or submit_sequence() work for a specific range of indices,...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1404
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_task_monitoring()

void check_task_monitoring ( )

Check that task monitoring works.

1549 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(300);
1550 const size_t num_threads = std::min<BS::concurrency_t>(std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), 4);
1551 dual_println("Creating pool with ", num_threads, " threads.");
1552 BS::thread_pool pool(static_cast<BS::concurrency_t>(num_threads));
1553 dual_println("Submitting ", num_threads * 3, " tasks.");
1554 std::vector<BS::signaller> signals(num_threads * 3);
1555 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads * 3; ++i)
1556 pool.detach_task(
1557 [i, &signal = signals[i]]
1558 {
1559 signal.wait();
1560 dual_println("Task ", i, " released.");
1561 }
1563 ,
1564 static_cast<BS::priority_t>(-static_cast<BS::priority_t>(i))
1566 );
1567 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1568 dual_println("After submission, should have: ", num_threads * 3, " tasks total, ", num_threads, " tasks running, ", num_threads * 2, " tasks queued...");
1569 dual_print("Result: ", pool.get_tasks_total(), " tasks total, ", pool.get_tasks_running(), " tasks running, ", pool.get_tasks_queued(), " tasks queued ");
1570 check(pool.get_tasks_total() == num_threads * 3 && pool.get_tasks_running() == num_threads && pool.get_tasks_queued() == num_threads * 2);
1571 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i)
1572 signals[i].ready();
1573 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1574 dual_println("After releasing ", num_threads, " tasks, should have: ", num_threads * 2, " tasks total, ", num_threads, " tasks running, ", num_threads, " tasks queued...");
1575 dual_print("Result: ", pool.get_tasks_total(), " tasks total, ", pool.get_tasks_running(), " tasks running, ", pool.get_tasks_queued(), " tasks queued ");
1576 check(pool.get_tasks_total() == num_threads * 2 && pool.get_tasks_running() == num_threads && pool.get_tasks_queued() == num_threads);
1577 for (size_t i = num_threads; i < num_threads * 2; ++i)
1578 signals[i].ready();
1579 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1580 dual_println("After releasing ", num_threads, " more tasks, should have: ", num_threads, " tasks total, ", num_threads, " tasks running, ", 0, " tasks queued...");
1581 dual_print("Result: ", pool.get_tasks_total(), " tasks total, ", pool.get_tasks_running(), " tasks running, ", pool.get_tasks_queued(), " tasks queued ");
1582 check(pool.get_tasks_total() == num_threads && pool.get_tasks_running() == num_threads && pool.get_tasks_queued() == 0);
1583 for (size_t i = num_threads * 2; i < num_threads * 3; ++i)
1584 signals[i].ready();
1585 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1586 dual_println("After releasing the final ", num_threads, " tasks, should have: ", 0, " tasks total, ", 0, " tasks running, ", 0, " tasks queued...");
1587 dual_print("Result: ", pool.get_tasks_total(), " tasks total, ", pool.get_tasks_running(), " tasks running, ", pool.get_tasks_queued(), " tasks queued ");
1588 check(pool.get_tasks_total() == 0 && pool.get_tasks_running() == 0 && pool.get_tasks_queued() == 0);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_pausing()

void check_pausing ( )

Check that pausing works.

1597 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(200);
1598 BS::thread_pool pool;
1599 dual_println("Checking that the pool correctly reports that it is not paused after construction...");
1600 check(!pool.is_paused());
1601 dual_println("Pausing pool.");
1602 pool.pause();
1603 dual_println("Checking that the pool correctly reports that it is paused...");
1604 check(pool.is_paused());
1605 dual_println("Submitting task and waiting.");
1606 std::atomic<bool> flag = false;
1607 pool.detach_task(
1608 [&flag]
1609 {
1610 flag = true;
1611 dual_println("Task executed.");
1612 });
1613 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1614 dual_println("Verifying that the task has not been executed...");
1615 check(!flag);
1616 dual_println("Unpausing pool and waiting.");
1617 pool.unpause();
1618 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1619 dual_println("Verifying that the task has been executed...");
1620 check(flag);
1621 dual_println("Checking that the pool correctly reports that it is not paused...");
1622 check(!pool.is_paused());
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_purge()

void check_purge ( )

Check that purge() works.

1631 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds long_sleep_time(200);
1632 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds short_sleep_time(100);
1633 constexpr size_t num_tasks = 10;
1634 BS::thread_pool pool(1);
1635 dual_println("Submitting ", num_tasks, " tasks to the pool.");
1636 std::vector<std::atomic<bool>> flags(num_tasks);
1637 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tasks; ++i)
1638 pool.detach_task(
1639 [&flags, i, long_sleep_time]
1640 {
1641 std::this_thread::sleep_for(long_sleep_time);
1642 dual_println("Task ", i, " done.");
1643 flags[i] = true;
1644 });
1645 std::this_thread::sleep_for(short_sleep_time);
1646 dual_println("Purging the pool and waiting for tasks...");
1647 pool.purge();
1648 pool.wait();
1649 dual_println("Checking that only the first task was executed...");
1650 flags[0] = !flags[0];
1651 check(no_flags_set(flags));
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ throws()

void throws ( )

A function that throws a test_exception.

1672 dual_println("Throwing exception...");
1673 throw test_exception();
An exception class to be thrown when testing exception handling.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1663
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_exceptions_submit()

void check_exceptions_submit ( )

Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by submit_task().

1681 BS::thread_pool pool;
1682 dual_println("Checking that exceptions are forwarded correctly by submit_task()...");
1683 bool caught = false;
1684 std::future<void> future = pool.submit_task(throws);
1685 try
1686 {
1687 future.get();
1688 }
1689 catch (const test_exception&)
1690 {
1691 caught = true;
1692 }
1693 check(caught);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_exceptions_multi_future()

void check_exceptions_multi_future ( )

Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by BS::multi_future.

1701 BS::thread_pool pool;
1702 dual_println("Checking that exceptions are forwarded correctly by BS::multi_future...");
1703 bool caught = false;
1705 future.push_back(pool.submit_task(throws));
1706 future.push_back(pool.submit_task(throws));
1707 try
1708 {
1709 future.get();
1710 }
1711 catch (const test_exception&)
1712 {
1713 caught = true;
1714 }
1715 check(caught);
A helper class to facilitate waiting for and/or getting the results of multiple futures at once.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:169
std::conditional_t< std::is_void_v< T >, void, std::vector< T > > get()
Get the results from all the futures stored in this multi_future, rethrowing any stored exceptions.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:187
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_vector_of_size()

bool check_vector_of_size ( BS::thread_pool pool,
const size_t  vector_size,
const BS::concurrency_t  num_tasks 

Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected by calculating the sum of two randomized vectors of a specific size in two ways, single-threaded and multithreaded, and comparing the results.

poolThe thread pool to check.
vector_sizeThe size of the vectors.
num_tasksThe number of tasks to split the calculation into.
true if the single-threaded and multithreaded results are equal, false otherwise.
1733 constexpr int64 value_range = 1000000;
1734 std::vector<int64> vector_1(vector_size);
1735 std::vector<int64> vector_2(vector_size);
1736 for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_size; ++i)
1737 {
1738 vector_1[i] = random(-value_range, value_range);
1739 vector_2[i] = random(-value_range, value_range);
1740 }
1741 dual_println("Adding two vectors with ", vector_size, " elements using ", num_tasks, " tasks...");
1742 std::vector<int64> sum_single(vector_size);
1743 for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_size; ++i)
1744 sum_single[i] = vector_1[i] + vector_2[i];
1745 std::vector<int64> sum_multi(vector_size);
1746 pool.submit_blocks<size_t>(
1747 0, vector_size,
1748 [&sum_multi, &vector_1, &vector_2](const size_t start, const size_t end)
1749 {
1750 for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i)
1751 sum_multi[i] = vector_1[i] + vector_2[i];
1752 },
1753 num_tasks)
1754 .wait();
1755 for (size_t i = 0; i < vector_size; ++i)
1756 {
1757 if (sum_single[i] != sum_multi[i])
1758 return false;
1759 }
1760 return true;
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_vectors()

void check_vectors ( )

Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected.

1768 constexpr size_t size_range = 1000000;
1769 constexpr size_t repeats = 10;
1770 BS::thread_pool pool;
1771 for (size_t i = 0; i < repeats; ++i)
1772 check(check_vector_of_size(pool, random<size_t>(0, size_range), random<BS::concurrency_t>(1, pool.get_thread_count())));
bool check_vector_of_size(BS::thread_pool &pool, const size_t vector_size, const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks)
Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected by calculating the sum of two randomized v...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1731
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_priority()

void check_priority ( )

Check that task priority works as expected with all task submission methods.

1785 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(200);
1786 constexpr size_t num_tasks = 10;
1787 // Set the pool to have only 1 thread, so it can only run 1 task at a time. This will ensure the tasks will be executed in priority order. Also initialize the pool with a task that waits until released, to simulate pausing in case it is disabled.
1788 BS::signaller signal;
1789 BS::thread_pool pool(1,
1790 [&signal]
1791 {
1792 signal.wait();
1793 });
1795 // Create a shuffled lists of priorities.
1796 std::vector<BS::priority_t> priorities;
1797 for (size_t i = 0; i < num_tasks - 1; ++i)
1798 priorities.push_back((i % 2 == 0) ? random<BS::priority_t>(0, BS::pr::highest) : random<BS::priority_t>(BS::pr::lowest, 0));
1799 priorities.push_back(0);
1800 std::shuffle(priorities.begin(), priorities.end(), std::mt19937_64(std::random_device()()));
1802 // Submit tasks using various methods in random priority order.
1803 std::vector<BS::priority_t> execution_order;
1804 std::mutex exec_mutex;
1805 std::function<void(BS::priority_t)> execute_task_priority = [&execution_order, &exec_mutex](const BS::priority_t priority)
1806 {
1807 const std::scoped_lock lock(exec_mutex);
1808 dual_println("Task with priority ", priority, " executed.");
1809 execution_order.push_back(priority);
1810 };
1811 const std::vector<std::string_view> functions = {"detach_task", "submit_task", "detach_sequence", "submit_sequence", "detach_loop", "submit_loop", "detach_blocks", "submit_blocks"};
1812 for (const BS::priority_t priority : priorities)
1813 {
1814 const std::string_view func = functions[random<size_t>(0, functions.size() - 1)];
1815 dual_println("Launching ", func, "() with priority ", priority, "...");
1816 if (func == "detach_task")
1817 pool.detach_task(
1818 [priority, &execute_task_priority]
1819 {
1820 execute_task_priority(priority);
1821 },
1822 priority);
1823 else if (func == "submit_task")
1824 std::ignore = pool.submit_task(
1825 [priority, &execute_task_priority]
1826 {
1827 execute_task_priority(priority);
1828 },
1829 priority);
1830 else if (func == "detach_sequence")
1831 pool.detach_sequence(
1832 0, 1,
1833 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64)
1834 {
1835 execute_task_priority(priority);
1836 },
1837 priority);
1838 else if (func == "submit_sequence")
1839 std::ignore = pool.submit_sequence(
1840 0, 1,
1841 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64)
1842 {
1843 execute_task_priority(priority);
1844 },
1845 priority);
1846 else if (func == "detach_loop")
1847 pool.detach_loop(
1848 0, 1,
1849 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64)
1850 {
1851 execute_task_priority(priority);
1852 },
1853 0, priority);
1854 else if (func == "submit_loop")
1855 std::ignore = pool.submit_loop(
1856 0, 1,
1857 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64)
1858 {
1859 execute_task_priority(priority);
1860 },
1861 0, priority);
1862 else if (func == "detach_blocks")
1863 pool.detach_blocks(
1864 0, 1,
1865 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64, int64)
1866 {
1867 execute_task_priority(priority);
1868 },
1869 0, priority);
1870 else if (func == "submit_blocks")
1871 std::ignore = pool.submit_blocks(
1872 0, 1,
1873 [priority, &execute_task_priority](int64, int64)
1874 {
1875 execute_task_priority(priority);
1876 },
1877 0, priority);
1878 }
1880 // Release the waiting task so the tasks can be executed, then check that they were executed in the correct order.
1881 dual_println("Checking execution order...");
1882 std::this_thread::sleep_for(sleep_time);
1883 signal.ready();
1884 pool.wait();
1885 std::sort(priorities.rbegin(), priorities.rend());
1886 check(execution_order == priorities);
A namespace used by Barak Shoshany's projects.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:44
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_init()

void check_init ( )

Check that thread initialization functions and get_index() work.

1899 dual_println("Comparing thread indices with a function passed to the constructor...");
1900 std::vector<std::atomic<size_t>> thread_indices(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
1901 BS::thread_pool pool(
1902 [&thread_indices]
1903 {
1905 if (idx.has_value())
1906 thread_indices[idx.value()] = idx.value();
1907 else
1908 check(false);
1909 });
1910 pool.wait();
1911 bool correct = true;
1912 for (size_t i = 0; i < thread_indices.size(); ++i)
1913 {
1914 if (thread_indices[i] != i)
1915 {
1916 correct = false;
1917 break;
1918 }
1919 }
1920 check(correct);
1921 dual_println("Comparing thread indices with a function passed to reset()...");
1922 pool.reset(
1923 [&thread_indices]
1924 {
1926 if (idx.has_value())
1927 thread_indices[idx.value()] = std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - idx.value();
1928 else
1929 check(false);
1930 });
1931 pool.wait();
1932 correct = true;
1933 for (size_t i = 0; i < thread_indices.size(); ++i)
1934 {
1935 if (thread_indices[i] != std::thread::hardware_concurrency() - i)
1936 {
1937 correct = false;
1938 break;
1939 }
1940 }
1941 check(correct);
1942 {
1943 dual_println("Verifying that the index of the main thread has no value...");
1945 check(!idx.has_value());
1946 }
1947 {
1948 dual_println("Verifying that the index of an independent thread has no value...");
1949 std::thread test_thread(
1950 []
1951 {
1953 check(!idx.has_value());
1954 });
1955 test_thread.join();
1956 }
std::optional< size_t > optional_index
A type returned by BS::this_thread::get_index() which can optionally contain the index of a thread,...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:94
thread_local thread_info_index get_index
A thread_local object used to obtain information about the index of the current thread.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:154
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_get_pool()

void check_get_pool ( )

Check that get_pool() works.

1964 dual_println("Checking that all threads report the correct pool...");
1965 std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>> thread_pool_ptrs1(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
1966 std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>> thread_pool_ptrs2(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
1967 const std::function<void(std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>>&)> store_pointers = [](std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>>& ptrs)
1968 {
1970 if (ptr.has_value())
1971 ptrs[BS::this_thread::get_index().value()] = ptr.value();
1972 else
1973 check(false);
1974 };
1975 BS::thread_pool pool1(
1976 [&thread_pool_ptrs1, &store_pointers]
1977 {
1978 store_pointers(thread_pool_ptrs1);
1979 });
1980 BS::thread_pool pool2(
1981 [&thread_pool_ptrs2, &store_pointers]
1982 {
1983 store_pointers(thread_pool_ptrs2);
1984 });
1985 pool1.wait();
1986 pool2.wait();
1987 const std::function<void(std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>>&, BS::thread_pool&)> check_pointers = [](const std::vector<std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>>& ptrs, const BS::thread_pool& pool)
1988 {
1989 bool correct = true;
1990 for (const std::atomic<BS::thread_pool*>& ptr : ptrs)
1991 {
1992 if (ptr != &pool)
1993 {
1994 correct = false;
1995 break;
1996 }
1997 }
1998 check(correct);
1999 };
2000 check_pointers(thread_pool_ptrs1, pool1);
2001 check_pointers(thread_pool_ptrs2, pool2);
2002 {
2003 dual_println("Verifying that the pool pointer of the main thread has no value...");
2005 check(!ptr.has_value());
2006 }
2007 {
2008 dual_println("Verifying that the pool pointer of an independent thread has no value...");
2009 std::thread test_thread(
2010 []
2011 {
2013 check(!ptr.has_value());
2014 });
2015 test_thread.join();
2016 }
std::optional< thread_pool * > optional_pool
A type returned by BS::this_thread::get_pool() which can optionally contain the pointer to the pool t...
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:99
thread_local thread_info_pool get_pool
A thread_local object used to obtain information about the thread pool that owns the current thread.
Definition BS_thread_pool.hpp:159
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ check_deadlock()

template<typename F >
void check_deadlock ( const F &&  task)

Check that the specified function does not create deadlocks. The function will be run many times to increase the probability of encountering a deadlock as a result of subtle timing issues. Uses an auxiliary pool so the whole test doesn't get stuck if a deadlock is encountered.

Template Parameters
FThe type of the function.
taskThe function to try.
2035 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds sleep_time(200);
2036 constexpr size_t tries = 10000;
2037 size_t try_n = 0;
2038 check_deadlock_pool.detach_task(
2039 [&try_n, &task]
2040 {
2041 do
2042 task();
2043 while (++try_n < tries);
2044 });
2045 bool passed = false;
2046 while (true)
2047 {
2048 const size_t old_try_n = try_n;
2049 check_deadlock_pool.wait_for(sleep_time);
2050 if (try_n == tries)
2051 {
2052 dual_println("Successfully finished all tries!");
2053 passed = true;
2054 break;
2055 }
2056 if (try_n == old_try_n)
2057 {
2058 dual_println("Error: deadlock detected!");
2059 passed = false;
2060 break;
2061 }
2062 dual_println("Finished ", try_n, " tries out of ", tries, "...");
2063 }
2064 check(passed);
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ print_timing()

void print_timing ( const BS::concurrency_t  num_tasks,
const std::pair< double, double > &  mean_sd 

Print the timing of a specific test.

num_tasksThe number of tasks.
mean_sdAn std::pair containing the mean as the first member and standard deviation as the second member.
2079 constexpr int width_tasks = 4;
2080 constexpr int width_mean = 6;
2081 constexpr int width_sd = 4;
2082 if (num_tasks == 0)
2083 dual_print("Single-threaded");
2084 else
2085 dual_print("With ", std::setw(width_tasks), num_tasks, " task", (num_tasks > 1) ? "s" : "");
2086 dual_println(", mean execution time was ", std::setw(width_mean), mean_sd.first, " ms with standard deviation ", std::setw(width_sd), mean_sd.second, " ms.");
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ min_element()

template<typename T >
size_t min_element ( const std::vector< T > &  vec)

Find the minimum element in a vector.

Template Parameters
TThe type of elements in the vector.
vecThe vector.
The index of the smallest element in the vector.
2099 size_t smallest = 0;
2100 for (size_t i = 1; i < vec.size(); ++i)
2101 {
2102 if (vec[i] < vec[smallest])
2103 smallest = i;
2104 }
2105 return smallest;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ print_speedup()

void print_speedup ( const std::vector< double > &  timings,
const std::vector< BS::concurrency_t > &  try_tasks 

Calculate and print the speedup obtained by multithreading.

timingsA vector of the timings corresponding to different numbers of tasks.
2115 const size_t min_el = min_element(timings);
2116 const double max_speedup = std::round((timings[0] / timings[min_el]) * 10) / 10;
2117 const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks = try_tasks[min_el];
2118 dual_println("Maximum speedup obtained by multithreading vs. single-threading: ", max_speedup, "x, using ", num_tasks, " tasks.");
size_t min_element(const std::vector< T > &vec)
Find the minimum element in a vector.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2097
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ analyze()

std::pair< double, double > analyze ( const std::vector< std::chrono::milliseconds::rep > &  timings)

Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of integers.

timingsThe integers.
An std::pair containing the mean as the first member and standard deviation as the second member.
2129 double mean = 0;
2130 for (size_t i = 0; i < timings.size(); ++i)
2131 mean += static_cast<double>(timings[i]) / static_cast<double>(timings.size());
2132 double variance = 0;
2133 for (size_t i = 0; i < timings.size(); ++i)
2134 variance += (static_cast<double>(timings[i]) - mean) * (static_cast<double>(timings[i]) - mean) / static_cast<double>(timings.size());
2135 return {mean, std::sqrt(variance)};
Scalar mean(InputArray src, InputArray mask=noArray())
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ generate_element()

double generate_element ( const size_t  idx)

A function to generate vector elements. Chosen arbitrarily to simulate a typical numerical calculation.

idxThe element index.
The value of the element.
2146 return std::log(std::sqrt(std::exp(std::cos(idx))));
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check_performance()

void check_performance ( )

Benchmark multithreaded performance.

2154 BS::thread_pool pool;
2156 // Set the formatting of floating point numbers.
2157 dual_print(std::fixed, std::setprecision(1));
2159 // Initialize a timer object to measure execution time.
2160 BS::timer tmr;
2162 // Store the number of available hardware threads for easy access.
2163 const BS::concurrency_t thread_count = pool.get_thread_count();
2164 dual_println("Using ", thread_count, " threads.");
2166 // The target execution time, in milliseconds, of the multithreaded test with the number of blocks equal to the number of threads. The total time spent on that test will be approximately equal to repeat * target_ms.
2167 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds::rep target_ms = 50;
2169 // Test how many vectors we need to generate, and of what size, to roughly achieve the target execution time.
2170 dual_println("Determining the number of elements to generate in order to achieve an approximate mean execution time of ", target_ms, " ms with ", thread_count, " tasks...");
2171 size_t vector_size = thread_count;
2172 std::vector<double> vector;
2173 const std::function<void(size_t, size_t)> loop = [&vector](const size_t start, const size_t end)
2174 {
2175 for (size_t i = start; i < end; ++i)
2176 vector[i] = generate_element(i);
2177 };
2178 do
2179 {
2180 vector_size *= 2;
2181 vector = std::vector<double>(vector_size);
2182 tmr.start();
2183 pool.detach_blocks<size_t>(0, vector_size, loop);
2184 pool.wait();
2185 tmr.stop();
2186 } while ( < target_ms);
2187 vector_size = thread_count * static_cast<size_t>(std::llround(static_cast<double>(vector_size) * static_cast<double>(target_ms) / static_cast<double>( / thread_count));
2189 // Define vectors to store statistics.
2190 std::vector<double> different_n_timings;
2191 std::vector<std::chrono::milliseconds::rep> same_n_timings;
2193 // The maximum number of overall tests.
2194 constexpr size_t max_tests = 20;
2196 // The maximum number, in milliseconds, that a single test can last.
2197 constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds::rep max_time_ms = 5000;
2199 // The minimum number of repeats for each test. At least this many repeats will be performed even if `max_time_ms` is exceeded.
2200 constexpr size_t min_repeats = 5;
2202 // The maximum number of times to repeat each run of the test in order to collect reliable statistics.
2203 constexpr size_t max_repeats = 30;
2204 dual_println("Each test will be repeated up to ", max_repeats, " times to collect reliable statistics.");
2206 // Perform the test.
2207 std::vector<BS::concurrency_t> try_tasks;
2208 BS::concurrency_t num_tasks = 0;
2209 double last_timing = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
2210 dual_println("Generating ", vector_size, " elements:");
2211 while (try_tasks.size() <= max_tests)
2212 {
2213 try_tasks.push_back(num_tasks);
2214 dual_print('[');
2215 std::chrono::milliseconds::rep total_time = 0;
2216 for (size_t i = 0; i < max_repeats; ++i)
2217 {
2218 vector = std::vector<double>(vector_size);
2219 tmr.start();
2220 if (num_tasks > 0)
2221 {
2222 pool.detach_blocks<size_t>(0, vector_size, loop, num_tasks);
2223 pool.wait();
2224 }
2225 else
2226 {
2227 loop(0, vector_size);
2228 }
2229 tmr.stop();
2230 same_n_timings.push_back(;
2231 dual_print('.');
2232 total_time +=;
2233 if (total_time > max_time_ms && same_n_timings.size() > min_repeats)
2234 break;
2235 }
2236 dual_println(']');
2237 const std::pair<double, double> mean_sd = analyze(same_n_timings);
2238 same_n_timings.clear();
2239 print_timing(num_tasks, mean_sd);
2240 different_n_timings.push_back(mean_sd.first);
2241 if (num_tasks == 0)
2242 {
2243 num_tasks = 2;
2244 }
2245 else
2246 {
2247 if ((num_tasks > thread_count) && (mean_sd.first > last_timing))
2248 break;
2249 last_timing = mean_sd.first;
2250 num_tasks *= 2;
2251 }
2252 }
2253 print_speedup(different_n_timings, try_tasks);
void print_speedup(const std::vector< double > &timings, const std::vector< BS::concurrency_t > &try_tasks)
Calculate and print the speedup obtained by multithreading.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2113
double generate_element(const size_t idx)
A function to generate vector elements. Chosen arbitrarily to simulate a typical numerical calculatio...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2144
std::pair< double, double > analyze(const std::vector< std::chrono::milliseconds::rep > &timings)
Calculate the mean and standard deviation of a set of integers.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2127
void print_timing(const BS::concurrency_t num_tasks, const std::pair< double, double > &mean_sd)
Print the timing of a specific test.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2077
A utility class to measure execution time for benchmarking purposes.
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:148
std::chrono::milliseconds::rep ms() const
Get the number of milliseconds stored when stop() was last called.
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:186
void start()
Start (or restart) measuring time. Note that the timer starts ticking as soon as the object is create...
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:168
void stop()
Stop measuring time and store the elapsed time since the object was constructed or since start() was ...
Definition BS_thread_pool_utils.hpp:176
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ show_intro()

void show_intro ( )

Show basic information about the program.

2265 dual_println("BS::thread_pool: a fast, lightweight, and easy-to-use C++17 thread pool library");
2266 dual_println("(c) 2024 Barak Shoshany ( (");
2267 dual_println("GitHub:");
2268 dual_println();
2270 dual_println("Thread pool library version is ", BS_THREAD_POOL_VERSION_MAJOR, '.', BS_THREAD_POOL_VERSION_MINOR, '.', BS_THREAD_POOL_VERSION_PATCH, '.');
2271 dual_println("Thread pool utilities library version is ", BS_THREAD_POOL_UTILS_VERSION_MAJOR, '.', BS_THREAD_POOL_UTILS_VERSION_MINOR, '.', BS_THREAD_POOL_UTILS_VERSION_PATCH, '.');
2272 dual_println("Hardware concurrency is ", std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), '.');
2273 dual_println();
2275 dual_print("Exception handling is ");
2277 dual_println("enabled.");
2279 dual_println("disabled.");
2282 dual_print("Native handles are ");
2284 dual_println("enabled.");
2286 dual_println("disabled.");
2289 dual_print("Pausing is ");
2291 dual_println("enabled.");
2293 dual_println("disabled.");
2296 dual_print("Priority is ");
2298 dual_println("enabled.");
2300 dual_println("disabled.");
2303 dual_print("Wait deadlock checks are ");
2305 dual_println("enabled.");
2307 dual_println("disabled.");
2310 dual_println();
2312 dual_println("Detected OS: ", detect_os(), '.');
2313 dual_println("Detected compiler: ", detect_compiler(), '.');
2314 dual_println();
2316 dual_println("Important: Please do not run any other applications, especially multithreaded applications, in parallel with this test!");
std::string detect_os()
Detect the operating system used to compile this program.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:313
std::string detect_compiler()
Detect the compiler used to compile this program.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:295
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ show_help()

void show_help ( )

Show the available command line options.

2324 dual_println();
2325 dual_println("Available options:");
2326 dual_println(" help Show this help message and exit.");
2327 dual_println(" log Create a log file.");
2328 dual_println(" tests Perform standard tests.");
2329 dual_println(" deadlock Perform long deadlock tests.");
2330 dual_println(" benchmarks Perform benchmarks.");
2331 dual_println("If no options are entered, the default is:");
2332 dual_println(" ", enable_log ? "log " : "", enable_tests ? "tests " : "", enable_long_deadlock_tests ? "deadlock " : "", enable_benchmarks ? "benchmarks " : "");
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ main()

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 
2399 // Parse the command line arguments.
2400 const arg_parser args(argc, argv);
2401 if (args.size() > 1)
2402 {
2403 if (args.exists("help"))
2404 {
2405 show_intro();
2406 show_help();
2407 std::exit(0);
2408 }
2409 enable_tests = args.exists("tests");
2410 enable_long_deadlock_tests = args.exists("deadlock");
2411 enable_benchmarks = args.exists("benchmarks");
2412 enable_log = args.exists("log");
2413 if (!enable_tests && !enable_long_deadlock_tests && !enable_benchmarks)
2414 {
2415 show_intro();
2416 dual_println("Error: No tests requested! Aborting.");
2417 std::exit(0);
2418 }
2419 }
2421 if (enable_log)
2422 {
2423 // Extract the name of the executable file, or use a default value if it is not found.
2424 const size_t last_slash = args[0].find_last_of("/\\") + 1;
2425 std::string exe_file(args[0].substr(last_slash, args[0].find('.', last_slash) - last_slash));
2426 if (exe_file.empty())
2427 exe_file = "BS_thread_pool_test";
2428 // Create a log file using the name of the executable, followed by the current date and time.
2429 const std::string log_filename = exe_file + "-" + get_time() + ".log";
2431 if (log_file.is_open())
2432 {
2433 dual_println("Generating log file: ", log_filename, ".\n");
2434 }
2435 else
2436 {
2437 enable_log = false;
2438 dual_println("Could not create log file: ", log_filename, ". Proceeding without it.\n");
2439 }
2440 }
2442 show_intro();
2444 if (enable_tests)
2445 {
2446 print_header("Checking the constructor:");
2449 print_header("Checking reset():");
2450 check_reset();
2452 print_header("Checking detach_task() and submit_task():");
2453 check_task("detach_task()");
2454 check_task("submit_task()");
2456 print_header("Checking submission of member functions as tasks:");
2460 print_header("Checking wait(), wait_for(), and wait_until():");
2461 check_wait();
2469 print_header("NOTE: Wait deadlock checks disabled, skipping the corresponding test.");
2472 print_header("Checking detach_loop() and submit_loop():");
2473 check_loop();
2475 print_header("Checking detach_blocks() and submit_blocks():");
2476 check_blocks();
2478 print_header("Checking detach_sequence() and submit_sequence():");
2481 print_header("Checking task monitoring:");
2485 print_header("Checking pausing:");
2486 check_pausing();
2488 print_header("NOTE: Pausing disabled, skipping the corresponding test.");
2491 print_header("Checking purge():");
2492 check_purge();
2495 print_header("Checking exception handling:");
2499 print_header("NOTE: Exception handling disabled, skipping the corresponding test.");
2502 print_header("Checking parallelized vector operations:");
2503 check_vectors();
2506 print_header("Checking task priority:");
2509 print_header("NOTE: Task priority disabled, skipping the corresponding test.");
2512 print_header("Checking thread initialization functions and get_index():");
2513 check_init();
2515 print_header("Checking get_pool():");
2517 }
2519 if (enable_long_deadlock_tests)
2520 {
2521 print_header("Checking for deadlocks:");
2522 dual_println("Checking for destruction deadlocks...");
2524 []
2525 {
2526 const BS::thread_pool temp_pool;
2527 });
2528 dual_println("Checking for reset deadlocks...");
2529 BS::thread_pool temp_pool;
2531 [&temp_pool]
2532 {
2533 temp_pool.reset();
2534 });
2535 }
2537 if (tests_failed == 0)
2538 {
2539 if (enable_tests)
2540 print_header("SUCCESS: Passed all " + std::to_string(tests_succeeded) + " checks!", '+');
2541 if (enable_benchmarks)
2542 {
2543 print_header("Performing benchmarks:");
2545 print_header("Thread pool performance test completed!", '+');
2546 }
2547 std::exit(0);
2548 }
2549 else
2550 {
2551 print_header("FAILURE: Passed " + std::to_string(tests_succeeded) + " checks, but failed " + std::to_string(tests_failed) + "!", '+');
2552 dual_println("\nPlease submit a bug report at including the exact specifications of your system (OS, CPU, compiler, etc.) and the generated log file.");
2554 // macOS does not implement `std::quick_exit` for some reason. `std::exit()` cannot be used here, as it might get stuck if a deadlock occurs.
2555 std::terminate();
2557 std::quick_exit(static_cast<int>(tests_failed));
2559 }
void check_wait_until()
Check that wait_until() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:998
void check_reset()
Check that reset() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:408
void check_exceptions_submit()
Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by submit_task().
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1679
void check_loop()
Check that detach_loop() and submit_loop() work using several different random values for the range o...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1150
void show_intro()
Show basic information about the program.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2263
void print_header(const std::string_view text, const char symbol='=')
Print a stylized header.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:139
void check_priority()
Check that task priority works as expected with all task submission methods.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1783
void check_get_pool()
Check that get_pool() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1962
void check_purge()
Check that purge() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1629
void check_wait_for()
Check that wait_for() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:974
void check_wait_self_deadlock()
Check that calling wait() from within a thread of the same pool throws an exception instead of creati...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1076
void check_performance()
Benchmark multithreaded performance.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2152
void check_wait_multiple_deadlock()
Check that calling wait() more than once doesn't create a deadlock.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1026
void check_exceptions_multi_future()
Check that exceptions are forwarded correctly by BS::multi_future.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1699
void check_wait()
Check that wait() works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:912
void check_blocks()
Check that detach_blocks() and submit_blocks() work using several different random values for the ran...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1307
void check_vectors()
Check that parallelized vector operations work as expected.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1766
void check_member_function_within_object()
Check that submitting member functions within an object works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:870
void check_init()
Check that thread initialization functions and get_index() work.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1897
void check_task_monitoring()
Check that task monitoring works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1547
std::string get_time()
Get a string representing the current time. If MSVC is detected, localtime_s will be used to avoid wa...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:331
void check_wait_blocks()
Check that wait() correctly blocks all external threads that call it.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:935
void check_pausing()
Check that pausing works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1595
void check_constructor()
Check that the constructor works. Also checks that get_thread_ids() reports the correct IDs.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:391
void check_member_function()
Check that submitting member functions works.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:798
void show_help()
Show the available command line options.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2322
void check_deadlock(const F &&task)
Check that the specified function does not create deadlocks. The function will be run many times to i...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2033
void check_task(const std::string_view which_func)
Check that detach_task() or submit_task() work.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:463
void check_sequence()
Check that detach_sequence() and submit_sequence() work using several different random values for the...
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:1466
A class to parse command line arguments.
Definition BS_thread_pool_test.cpp:2339