Autonomy Software C++ 24.5.1
Welcome to the Autonomy Software repository of the Mars Rover Design Team (MRDT) at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T)! API reference contains the source code and other resources for the development of the autonomy software for our Mars rover. The Autonomy Software project aims to compete in the University Rover Challenge (URC) by demonstrating advanced autonomous capabilities and robust navigation algorithms.
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11#ifndef ZEDCAM_H
12#define ZEDCAM_H
14#include "../../interfaces/ZEDCamera.hpp"
30class ZEDCam : public ZEDCamera
32 public:
34 // Declare public methods and member variables.
37 ZEDCam(const int nPropResolutionX,
38 const int nPropResolutionY,
39 const int nPropFramesPerSecond,
40 const double dPropHorizontalFOV,
41 const double dPropVerticalFOV,
42 const bool bEnableRecordingFlag,
43 const float fMinSenseDistance = constants::ZED_DEFAULT_MINIMUM_DISTANCE,
44 const float fMaxSenseDistance = constants::ZED_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DISTANCE,
45 const bool bMemTypeGPU = false,
46 const bool bUseHalfDepthPrecision = false,
47 const bool bEnableFusionMaster = false,
48 const int nNumFrameRetrievalThreads = 10,
49 const unsigned int unCameraSerialNumber = 0);
50 ~ZEDCam();
51 std::future<bool> RequestFrameCopy(cv::Mat& cvFrame) override;
52 std::future<bool> RequestFrameCopy(cv::cuda::GpuMat& cvGPUFrame) override;
53 std::future<bool> RequestDepthCopy(cv::Mat& cvDepth, const bool bRetrieveMeasure = true) override;
54 std::future<bool> RequestDepthCopy(cv::cuda::GpuMat& cvGPUDepth, const bool bRetrieveMeasure = true) override;
55 std::future<bool> RequestPointCloudCopy(cv::Mat& cvPointCloud) override;
56 std::future<bool> RequestPointCloudCopy(cv::cuda::GpuMat& cvGPUPointCloud) override;
57 sl::ERROR_CODE ResetPositionalTracking() override;
58 sl::ERROR_CODE TrackCustomBoxObjects(std::vector<ZedObjectData>& vCustomObjects) override;
59 sl::ERROR_CODE RebootCamera() override;
60 sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE SubscribeFusionToCameraUUID(sl::CameraIdentifier& slCameraUUID) override;
61 sl::CameraIdentifier PublishCameraToFusion() override;
62 sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE IngestGPSDataToFusion(geoops::GPSCoordinate stNewGPSLocation) override;
65 // Setters for class member variables.
68 sl::ERROR_CODE EnablePositionalTracking(const float fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance = constants::ZED_DEFAULT_FLOOR_PLANE_ERROR) override;
69 void DisablePositionalTracking() override;
70 void SetPositionalPose(const double dX, const double dY, const double dZ, const double dXO, const double dYO, const double dZO) override;
71 sl::ERROR_CODE EnableSpatialMapping() override;
72 void DisableSpatialMapping() override;
73 sl::ERROR_CODE EnableObjectDetection(const bool bEnableBatching = false) override;
74 void DisableObjectDetection() override;
77 // Getters.
80 bool GetCameraIsOpen() override;
81 bool GetUsingGPUMem() const override;
82 std::string GetCameraModel() override;
83 unsigned int GetCameraSerial() override;
84 std::future<bool> RequestPositionalPoseCopy(Pose& stPose) override;
85 std::future<bool> RequestFusionGeoPoseCopy(sl::GeoPose& slGeoPose) override;
86 std::future<bool> RequestFloorPlaneCopy(sl::Plane& slPlane) override;
87 bool GetPositionalTrackingEnabled() override;
88 sl::PositionalTrackingStatus GetPositionalTrackingState() override;
89 sl::FusedPositionalTrackingStatus GetFusedPositionalTrackingState() override;
90 sl::SPATIAL_MAPPING_STATE GetSpatialMappingState() override;
91 sl::SPATIAL_MAPPING_STATE ExtractSpatialMapAsync(std::future<sl::Mesh>& fuMeshFuture) override;
92 bool GetObjectDetectionEnabled() override;
93 std::future<bool> RequestObjectsCopy(std::vector<sl::ObjectData>& vObjectData) override;
94 std::future<bool> RequestBatchedObjectsCopy(std::vector<sl::ObjectsBatch>& vBatchedObjectData) override;
96 private:
98 // Declare private member variables.
101 // ZED Camera specific.
103 sl::Camera m_slCamera;
104 std::shared_mutex m_muCameraMutex;
105 sl::InitParameters m_slCameraParams;
106 sl::RuntimeParameters m_slRuntimeParams;
107 sl::RecordingParameters m_slRecordingParams;
108 sl::Fusion m_slFusionInstance;
109 std::shared_mutex m_muFusionMutex;
110 sl::InitFusionParameters m_slFusionParams;
111 sl::MEASURE m_slDepthMeasureType;
112 sl::PositionalTrackingParameters m_slPoseTrackingParams;
113 sl::PositionalTrackingFusionParameters m_slFusionPoseTrackingParams;
114 sl::Pose m_slCameraPose;
115 sl::GeoPose m_slFusionGeoPose;
116 sl::Plane m_slFloorPlane;
117 sl::Transform m_slFloorTrackingTransform;
118 sl::SpatialMappingParameters m_slSpatialMappingParams;
119 sl::ObjectDetectionParameters m_slObjectDetectionParams;
120 sl::BatchParameters m_slObjectDetectionBatchParams;
121 sl::Objects m_slDetectedObjects;
122 std::vector<sl::ObjectsBatch> m_slDetectedObjectsBatched;
123 sl::MEM m_slMemoryType;
124 sl::MODEL m_slCameraModel;
125 float m_fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance;
127 // Pose tracking offsets. (ZEDSDK is broken and can't handle large translations internally)
129 double m_dPoseOffsetX;
130 double m_dPoseOffsetY;
131 double m_dPoseOffsetZ;
132 double m_dPoseOffsetXO;
133 double m_dPoseOffsetYO;
134 double m_dPoseOffsetZO;
136 // Data from NavBoard.
138 geoops::GPSCoordinate m_stCurrentGPSBasedPosition;
140 // Mats for storing frames and measures.
142 sl::Mat m_slFrame;
143 sl::Mat m_slDepthImage;
144 sl::Mat m_slDepthMeasure;
145 sl::Mat m_slPointCloud;
147 // Queues and mutexes for scheduling and copying camera frames and data to other threads.
149 std::queue<containers::FrameFetchContainer<cv::cuda::GpuMat>> m_qGPUFrameCopySchedule;
150 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<std::vector<ZedObjectData>>> m_qCustomBoxIngestSchedule;
151 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<Pose>> m_qPoseCopySchedule;
152 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<sl::GeoPose>> m_qGeoPoseCopySchedule;
153 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<sl::Plane>> m_qFloorCopySchedule;
154 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<std::vector<sl::ObjectData>>> m_qObjectDataCopySchedule;
155 std::queue<containers::DataFetchContainer<std::vector<sl::ObjectsBatch>>> m_qObjectBatchedDataCopySchedule;
157 // Mutexes for copying frames from the ZEDSDK to the OpenCV Mats.
159 std::shared_mutex m_muCustomBoxIngestMutex;
160 std::shared_mutex m_muPoseCopyMutex;
161 std::shared_mutex m_muGeoPoseCopyMutex;
162 std::shared_mutex m_muFloorCopyMutex;
163 std::shared_mutex m_muObjectDataCopyMutex;
164 std::shared_mutex m_muObjectBatchedDataCopyMutex;
166 // Atomic flags for checking if data is queued.
168 std::atomic<bool> m_bNormalFramesQueued;
169 std::atomic<bool> m_bDepthFramesQueued;
170 std::atomic<bool> m_bPointCloudsQueued;
171 std::atomic<bool> m_bPosesQueued;
172 std::atomic<bool> m_bGeoPosesQueued;
173 std::atomic<bool> m_bFloorsQueued;
174 std::atomic<bool> m_bObjectsQueued;
175 std::atomic<bool> m_bBatchedObjectsQueued;
178 // Declare private methods.
181 void ThreadedContinuousCode() override;
182 void PooledLinearCode() override;
This class implements and interfaces with the most common ZEDSDK cameras and features....
Definition ZEDCam.h:31
std::future< bool > RequestDepthCopy(cv::Mat &cvDepth, const bool bRetrieveMeasure=true) override
Requests a depth measure or image from the camera. Puts a frame pointer into a queue so a copy of a f...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1026
void DisableSpatialMapping() override
Disabled the spatial mapping feature of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1757
void DisablePositionalTracking() override
Disable to positional tracking functionality of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1623
sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE SubscribeFusionToCameraUUID(sl::CameraIdentifier &slCameraUUID) override
Give a UUID for another ZEDCam, subscribe that camera to this camera's Fusion instance....
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1309
Destroy the Zed Cam:: Zed Cam object.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:255
sl::ERROR_CODE TrackCustomBoxObjects(std::vector< ZedObjectData > &vCustomObjects) override
A vector containing CustomBoxObjectData objects. These objects simply store information about your de...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1233
std::future< bool > RequestFusionGeoPoseCopy(sl::GeoPose &slGeoPose) override
Requests the current geo pose of the camera. This method should be used to retrieve ONLY the GNSS dat...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1969
sl::ERROR_CODE RebootCamera() override
Performs a hardware reset of the ZED2 or ZED2i camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1291
void ThreadedContinuousCode() override
The code inside this private method runs in a separate thread, but still has access to this*....
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:287
sl::ERROR_CODE EnablePositionalTracking(const float fExpectedCameraHeightFromFloorTolerance=constants::ZED_DEFAULT_FLOOR_PLANE_ERROR) override
Enable the positional tracking functionality of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1568
sl::FUSION_ERROR_CODE IngestGPSDataToFusion(geoops::GPSCoordinate stNewGPSLocation) override
If this camera is the fusion instance master, this method can be used to ingest/process/fuse the curr...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1388
sl::ERROR_CODE EnableSpatialMapping() override
Enabled the spatial mapping feature of the camera. Pose tracking will be enabled if it is not already...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1691
bool GetPositionalTrackingEnabled() override
Accessor for if the positional tracking functionality of the camera has been enabled and functioning.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2086
sl::ERROR_CODE EnableObjectDetection(const bool bEnableBatching=false) override
Enables the object detection and tracking feature of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1773
std::future< bool > RequestPositionalPoseCopy(Pose &stPose) override
Requests the current pose of the camera relative to it's start pose or the origin of the set pose....
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1907
unsigned int GetCameraSerial() override
Accessor for the camera's serial number.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1886
sl::SPATIAL_MAPPING_STATE ExtractSpatialMapAsync(std::future< sl::Mesh > &fuMeshFuture) override
Retrieve the built spatial map from the camera. Spatial mapping must be enabled. This method takes in...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2154
std::future< bool > RequestObjectsCopy(std::vector< sl::ObjectData > &vObjectData) override
Requests a current copy of the tracked objects from the camera. Puts a pointer to a vector containing...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2239
void SetPositionalPose(const double dX, const double dY, const double dZ, const double dXO, const double dYO, const double dZO) override
Sets the pose of the positional tracking of the camera. XYZ will point in their respective directions...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1667
sl::FusedPositionalTrackingStatus GetFusedPositionalTrackingState() override
Accessor for the current positional tracking status of the fusion instance.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2118
std::future< bool > RequestBatchedObjectsCopy(std::vector< sl::ObjectsBatch > &vBatchedObjectData) override
If batching is enabled, this requests the normal objects and passes them to the the internal batching...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2301
bool GetUsingGPUMem() const override
Accessor for if this ZED is storing it's frames in GPU memory.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1842
sl::SPATIAL_MAPPING_STATE GetSpatialMappingState() override
Accessor for the current state of the camera's spatial mapping feature.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2133
std::future< bool > RequestPointCloudCopy(cv::Mat &cvPointCloud) override
Requests a point cloud image from the camera. This image has the same resolution as a normal image bu...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1117
std::future< bool > RequestFrameCopy(cv::Mat &cvFrame) override
Requests a regular BGRA image from the LEFT eye of the zed camera. Puts a frame pointer into a queue ...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:953
sl::PositionalTrackingStatus GetPositionalTrackingState() override
Accessor for the current positional tracking status of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2102
bool GetCameraIsOpen() override
Accessor for the current status of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1826
sl::CameraIdentifier PublishCameraToFusion() override
Signal this camera to make its data available to the Fusion module and retrieve a UUID for this class...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1364
void PooledLinearCode() override
This method holds the code that is ran in the thread pool started by the ThreadedLinearCode() method....
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:695
std::future< bool > RequestFloorPlaneCopy(sl::Plane &slPlane) override
Requests the current floor plane of the camera relative to it's current pose. Puts a Plane pointer in...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2029
void DisableObjectDetection() override
Disables the object detection and tracking feature of the camera.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1809
bool GetObjectDetectionEnabled() override
Accessor for if the cameras object detection and tracking feature is enabled.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:2221
sl::ERROR_CODE ResetPositionalTracking() override
Resets the cameras X,Y,Z translation and Roll,Pitch,Yaw orientation back to 0. THINK CAREFULLY!...
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1193
std::string GetCameraModel() override
Accessor for the model enum from the ZEDSDK and represents the camera model as a string.
Definition ZEDCam.cpp:1857
This class serves as a middle inheritor between the Camera interface and the ZEDCam class....
Definition ZEDCamera.hpp:33
This struct is used within the ZEDCam class to store the camera pose with high precision....
Definition ZEDCamera.hpp:97
This struct stores/contains information about a GPS data.
Definition GeospatialOperations.hpp:148