Autonomy Software C++ 24.5.1
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WebRTC Class Reference

This class is used to establish a connection with the RoveSoSimulator and retrieve video streams from it. More...

#include <WebRTC.h>

Collaboration diagram for WebRTC:

Public Member Functions

 WebRTC (const std::string &szSignallingServerURL, const std::string &szStreamerID)
 Construct a new Web RTC::WebRTC object.
 ~WebRTC ()
 Destroy the Web RTC::WebRTC object.
void SetOnFrameReceivedCallback (std::function< void(cv::Mat &)> fnOnFrameReceivedCallback, const AVPixelFormat eOutputPixelFormat=AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24)
 Set the callback function for when a new frame is received.
bool GetIsConnected () const
 Get the connection status of the WebRTC object.

Private Member Functions

bool ConnectToSignallingServer (const std::string &szSignallingServerURL)
 Connected to the Unreal Engine 5 hosted Signalling Server for WebRTC negotiation.
bool InitializeH264Decoder ()
 Initialize the H264 decoder. Creates the AVCodecContext, AVFrame, and AVPacket.
bool DecodeH264BytesToCVMat (const std::vector< uint8_t > &vH264EncodedBytes, cv::Mat &cvDecodedFrame, const AVPixelFormat eOutputPixelFormat)
 Decodes H264 encoded bytes to a cv::Mat using FFmpeg.
bool RequestKeyFrame ()
 Requests a key frame from the given video track. This is useful for when the video track is out of sync or has lost frames.
bool SendCommandToStreamer (const std::string &szCommand)
 This method sends a command to the streamer via the data channel. The command is a JSON string that is sent as a binary message. The PixelStreaming plugin handles the command very weirdly, so we have to sort of encode the command in a specific way. This handles that encoding.

Private Attributes

std::string m_szSignallingServerURL
std::string m_szStreamerID
std::shared_ptr< rtc::WebSocket > m_pWebSocket
std::shared_ptr< rtc::PeerConnection > m_pPeerConnection
std::shared_ptr< rtc::DataChannel > m_pDataChannel
std::shared_ptr< rtc::Track > m_pVideoTrack1
std::shared_ptr< rtc::H264RtpDepacketizer > m_pTrack1H264DepacketizationHandler
std::shared_ptr< rtc::RtcpReceivingSession > m_pTrack1RtcpReceivingSession
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point m_tmLastKeyFrameRequestTime
AVCodecContext * m_pAVCodecContext
AVFrame * m_pFrame
AVPacket * m_pPacket
SwsContext * m_pSWSContext
AVPixelFormat m_eOutputPixelFormat
std::shared_mutex m_muDecoderMutex
cv::Mat m_cvFrame
std::function< void(cv::Mat &)> m_fnOnFrameReceivedCallback

Detailed Description

This class is used to establish a connection with the RoveSoSimulator and retrieve video streams from it.

clayjay3 (

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ WebRTC()

WebRTC::WebRTC ( const std::string &  szSignallingServerURL,
const std::string &  szStreamerID 

Construct a new Web RTC::WebRTC object.

szSignallingServerURL- The URL of the signalling server.
szStreamerID- The ID of the streamer.
clayjay3 (
30 // Set member variables.
31 m_szSignallingServerURL = szSignallingServerURL;
32 m_szStreamerID = szStreamerID;
33 m_tmLastKeyFrameRequestTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
35 // Setup the FFMPEG H264 decoder.
38 // Enable logging from the WebRTC LibDataChannel library for debugging.
39 // rtc::InitLogger(rtc::LogLevel::Verbose);
41 // Construct the WebRTC peer connection and data channel for receiving data from the simulator.
42 rtc::WebSocket::Configuration rtcWebSocketConfig;
43 rtc::Configuration rtcPeerConnectionConfig;
44 rtcPeerConnectionConfig.forceMediaTransport = true;
45 rtcPeerConnectionConfig.maxMessageSize = 100000000;
46 m_pWebSocket = std::make_shared<rtc::WebSocket>(rtcWebSocketConfig);
47 m_pPeerConnection = std::make_shared<rtc::PeerConnection>(rtcPeerConnectionConfig);
48 m_pDataChannel = m_pPeerConnection->createDataChannel("webrtc-datachannel");
50 // Attempt to connect to the signalling server.
51 this->ConnectToSignallingServer(szSignallingServerURL);
bool InitializeH264Decoder()
Initialize the H264 decoder. Creates the AVCodecContext, AVFrame, and AVPacket.
Definition WebRTC.cpp:563
bool ConnectToSignallingServer(const std::string &szSignallingServerURL)
Connected to the Unreal Engine 5 hosted Signalling Server for WebRTC negotiation.
Definition WebRTC.cpp:167
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ ~WebRTC()

WebRTC::~WebRTC ( )

Destroy the Web RTC::WebRTC object.

clayjay3 (
63 // Check if the smart pointers are valid before calling any methods.
64 if (m_pVideoTrack1)
65 {
66 m_pVideoTrack1->close();
67 }
68 if (m_pPeerConnection)
69 {
70 m_pPeerConnection->close();
71 }
72 if (m_pDataChannel)
73 {
74 m_pDataChannel->close();
75 }
76 if (m_pWebSocket)
77 {
78 m_pWebSocket->close();
79 }
81 // Wait for all connections to close.
82 while ((m_pVideoTrack1 && !m_pVideoTrack1->isClosed()) || (m_pDataChannel && !m_pDataChannel->isClosed()) || (m_pWebSocket && !m_pWebSocket->isClosed()))
83 {
84 std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
85 }
87 // Manually destroy the smart pointers.
88 m_pVideoTrack1.reset();
89 m_pPeerConnection.reset();
90 m_pDataChannel.reset();
91 m_pWebSocket.reset();
93 // Free the codec context.
94 if (m_pSWSContext)
95 {
96 sws_freeContext(m_pSWSContext);
97 }
98 if (m_pFrame)
99 {
100 av_frame_free(&m_pFrame);
101 }
102 if (m_pPacket)
103 {
104 av_packet_free(&m_pPacket);
105 }
106 if (m_pAVCodecContext)
107 {
108 avcodec_free_context(&m_pAVCodecContext);
109 }
111 // Set dangling pointers to nullptr.
112 m_pAVCodecContext = nullptr;
113 m_pFrame = nullptr;
114 m_pPacket = nullptr;
115 m_pSWSContext = nullptr;

Member Function Documentation

◆ SetOnFrameReceivedCallback()

void WebRTC::SetOnFrameReceivedCallback ( std::function< void(cv::Mat &)>  fnOnFrameReceivedCallback,
const AVPixelFormat  eOutputPixelFormat = AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24 

Set the callback function for when a new frame is received.

fnOnFrameReceivedCallback- The callback function to set.
eOutputPixelFormat- The output pixel format to use.
clayjay3 (
129 // Set the callback function.
130 m_fnOnFrameReceivedCallback = fnOnFrameReceivedCallback;
131 // Set the output pixel format.
132 m_eOutputPixelFormat = eOutputPixelFormat;

◆ GetIsConnected()

bool WebRTC::GetIsConnected ( ) const

Get the connection status of the WebRTC object.

true - The WebRTC object is connected.
false - The WebRTC object is not connected.
clayjay3 (
146 // Check if the datachannel shared pointer is valid.
147 if (m_pWebSocket != nullptr)
148 {
149 // Check if the datachannel is open.
150 return m_pWebSocket->isOpen();
151 }
153 // Return false if the datachannel is not valid.
154 return false;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ConnectToSignallingServer()

bool WebRTC::ConnectToSignallingServer ( const std::string &  szSignallingServerURL)

Connected to the Unreal Engine 5 hosted Signalling Server for WebRTC negotiation.

szSignallingServerURL- The full URL of the signalling server. Should be in the format of "ws://<IP>:<PORT>"
true - Successfully connected to the signalling server.
false - Failed to connect to the signalling server.
clayjay3 (
169 // Connect to the signalling server via a websocket to handle WebRTC negotiation and signalling.
170 m_pWebSocket->open(szSignallingServerURL);
173 // Set some callbacks on important events for the websocket.
176 // WebSocket has been opened.
177 m_pWebSocket->onOpen(
178 [this]()
179 {
180 // Submit logger message.
181 LOG_INFO(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Connected to the signalling server via {}. Checking if stream {} exists...", m_szSignallingServerURL, m_szStreamerID);
183 // Request the streamer list from the server. This also kicks off the negotiation process.
184 nlohmann::json jsnStreamList;
185 jsnStreamList["type"] = "listStreamers";
186 m_pWebSocket->send(jsnStreamList.dump());
187 });
189 // WebSocket has been closed.
190 m_pWebSocket->onClosed(
191 [this]()
192 {
193 // Submit logger message.
194 LOG_INFO(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Closed {} stream and disconnected from the signalling server.", m_szStreamerID);
195 });
197 // Handling signalling server messages. (offer/answer/ICE candidate)
198 m_pWebSocket->onMessage(
199 [this](std::variant<rtc::binary, rtc::string> rtcMessage)
200 {
201 try
202 {
203 // Create instance variables.
204 nlohmann::json jsnMessage;
206 // Check if data is of type rtc::string.
207 if (std::holds_alternative<rtc::string>(rtcMessage))
208 {
209 // Retrieve the string message
210 std::string szMessage = std::get<rtc::string>(rtcMessage);
212 // Parse the JSON message from the signaling server.
213 jsnMessage = nlohmann::json::parse(szMessage);
214 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received message from signalling server: {}", szMessage);
215 }
216 else if (std::holds_alternative<rtc::binary>(rtcMessage))
217 {
218 // Retrieve the binary message.
219 rtc::binary rtcBinaryData = std::get<rtc::binary>(rtcMessage);
220 // Print length of binary data.
221 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received binary data of length: {}", rtcBinaryData.size());
223 // Convert the binary data to a string.
224 std::string szBinaryDataStr(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, rtcBinaryData.size());
225 // Print the binary data as a string.
226 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received binary data: {}", szBinaryDataStr);
227 // Parse the binary data as JSON.
228 jsnMessage = nlohmann::json::parse(szBinaryDataStr);
229 }
230 else
231 {
232 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received unknown message type from signalling server");
233 }
235 // Check if the message contains a type.
236 if (jsnMessage.contains("type"))
237 {
238 std::string szType = jsnMessage["type"];
239 // If the message from the server is a config message, do nothing.
240 if (szType == "config")
241 {
242 // Submit logger message.
243 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received config message from signalling server: {}", jsnMessage.dump());
244 }
245 // If the message from the server is an offer, set the remote description offer.
246 else if (szType == "offer")
247 {
248 // Get the SDP offer and set it as the remote description.
249 std::string sdp = jsnMessage["sdp"];
250 m_pPeerConnection->setRemoteDescription(rtc::Description(sdp, "offer"));
251 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Processing SDP offer from signalling server: {}", sdp);
252 }
253 // If the message from the server is an answer, set the remote description answer.
254 else if (szType == "answer")
255 {
256 // Get the SDP answer and set it as the remote description.
257 std::string sdp = jsnMessage["sdp"];
258 m_pPeerConnection->setRemoteDescription(rtc::Description(sdp, "answer"));
259 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Processing SDP answer from signalling server: {}", sdp);
260 }
261 // If the message from the server is advertising an ICE candidate, add it to the peer connection.
262 else if (szType == "iceCandidate")
263 {
264 // Handle ICE candidate
265 nlohmann::json jsnCandidate = jsnMessage["candidate"];
266 std::string szCandidateStr = jsnCandidate["candidate"];
268 rtc::Candidate rtcCandidate = rtc::Candidate(szCandidateStr);
269 m_pPeerConnection->addRemoteCandidate(rtcCandidate);
270 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Added ICE candidate to peer connection: {}", szCandidateStr);
271 }
272 else if (szType == "streamerList")
273 {
274 // Print the streamer list.
275 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Streamer List: {}", jsnMessage.dump());
277 // Check that the streamer ID given by the user is in the streamer list.
278 if (jsnMessage.contains("ids"))
279 {
280 std::vector<std::string> streamerList = jsnMessage["ids"].get<std::vector<std::string>>();
281 if (std::find(streamerList.begin(), streamerList.end(), m_szStreamerID) != streamerList.end())
282 {
283 // Send what stream we want to the server.
284 nlohmann::json jsnStream;
285 jsnStream["type"] = "subscribe";
286 jsnStream["streamerId"] = m_szStreamerID;
287 m_pWebSocket->send(jsnStream.dump());
288 // Submit logger message.
289 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Streamer ID {} found in the streamer list. Subscribing to stream...", m_szStreamerID);
290 }
291 else
292 {
293 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Streamer ID {} not found in the streamer list!", m_szStreamerID);
294 }
295 }
296 else
297 {
298 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Streamer list does not contain 'ids' field!");
299 }
300 }
301 else
302 {
303 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Unknown message type received from signalling server: {}", szType);
304 }
305 }
306 }
307 catch (const std::exception& e)
308 {
309 // Submit logger message.
310 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Error occurred while negotiating with the Signalling Server: {}", e.what());
311 }
312 });
314 m_pWebSocket->onError(
315 [this](const std::string& szError)
316 {
317 // Submit logger message.
318 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Error occurred on WebSocket: {}", szError);
319 });
322 // Set some callbacks on important events for the peer connection.
325 m_pPeerConnection->onLocalDescription(
326 [this](rtc::Description rtcDescription)
327 {
328 // Check the type of the description.
329 if (rtcDescription.typeString() == "offer")
330 {
331 return;
332 }
334 // First lets send some preconfig stuff.
335 nlohmann::json jsnConfigMessage;
336 jsnConfigMessage["type"] = "layerPreference";
337 jsnConfigMessage["spatialLayer"] = 0;
338 jsnConfigMessage["temporalLayer"] = 0;
339 jsnConfigMessage["playerId"] = "";
340 m_pWebSocket->send(jsnConfigMessage.dump());
342 // Send the local description to the signalling server
343 nlohmann::json jsnMessage;
344 jsnMessage["type"] = rtcDescription.typeString();
345 // This next bit is specific to the Unreal Engine 5 Signalling Server, we must append the min/max bitrate to the message.
346 jsnMessage["minBitrateBps"] = 0;
347 jsnMessage["maxBitrateBps"] = 0;
348 // Here's our actual SDP.
349 std::string szSDP = rtcDescription.generateSdp();
350 // Munger the SDP to add the bitrate.
351 std::string szMungedSDP =
352 std::regex_replace(szSDP, std::regex("(a=fmtp:\\d+ level-asymmetry-allowed=.*)\r\n"), "$1;x-google-start-bitrate=10000;x-google-max-bitrate=100000\r\n");
353 jsnMessage["sdp"] = szMungedSDP;
354 // Send the message.
355 m_pWebSocket->send(jsnMessage.dump());
357 // Submit logger message.
358 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Sending local description to signalling server: {}", jsnMessage.dump());
359 });
361 m_pPeerConnection->onTrack(
362 [this](std::shared_ptr<rtc::Track> rtcTrack)
363 {
364 // Submit logger message.
365 rtc::Description::Media rtcMediaDescription = rtcTrack->description();
366 // Get some information about the track.
367 std::string szMediaType = rtcMediaDescription.type();
369 // Check if the track is a video track.
370 if (szMediaType != "video")
371 {
372 return;
373 }
375 // Set member variable to the video track.
376 m_pVideoTrack1 = rtcTrack;
378 // Create a H264 depacketization handler and rtcp receiving session.
379 m_pTrack1H264DepacketizationHandler = std::make_shared<rtc::H264RtpDepacketizer>(rtc::NalUnit::Separator::LongStartSequence);
380 m_pTrack1RtcpReceivingSession = std::make_shared<rtc::RtcpReceivingSession>();
381 m_pTrack1H264DepacketizationHandler->addToChain(m_pTrack1RtcpReceivingSession);
382 m_pVideoTrack1->setMediaHandler(m_pTrack1H264DepacketizationHandler);
384 // Set the onMessage callback for the video track.
385 m_pVideoTrack1->onFrame(
386 [this](rtc::binary rtcBinaryMessage, rtc::FrameInfo rtcFrameInfo)
387 {
388 // Assuming 96 is the H264 payload type.
389 if (rtcFrameInfo.payloadType == 96)
390 {
391 // Change the rtc::Binary (std::vector<std::byte>) to a std::vector<uint8_t>.
392 std::vector<uint8_t> vH264EncodedBytes;
393 vH264EncodedBytes.reserve(rtcBinaryMessage.size());
394 for (std::byte stdByte : rtcBinaryMessage)
395 {
396 vH264EncodedBytes.push_back(static_cast<uint8_t>(stdByte));
397 }
399 // Acquire a mutex lock on the shared_mutex before calling sws_scale.
400 std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lkDecoderLock(m_muDecoderMutex);
401 // Pass to FFmpeg decoder
402 this->DecodeH264BytesToCVMat(vH264EncodedBytes, m_cvFrame, m_eOutputPixelFormat);
404 // Check if the callback function is set before calling it.
405 if (m_fnOnFrameReceivedCallback)
406 {
407 // Call the user's callback function.
408 m_fnOnFrameReceivedCallback(m_cvFrame);
409 }
410 // Release the lock on the shared_mutex.
411 lkDecoderLock.unlock();
412 }
413 });
414 });
416 m_pPeerConnection->onGatheringStateChange(
417 [this](rtc::PeerConnection::GatheringState eGatheringState)
418 {
419 // Switch to translate the state to a string.
420 switch (eGatheringState)
421 {
422 case rtc::PeerConnection::GatheringState::Complete: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE gathering state changed to: Complete"); break;
424 case rtc::PeerConnection::GatheringState::InProgress:
425 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE gathering state changed to: InProgress");
426 break;
427 case rtc::PeerConnection::GatheringState::New: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE gathering state changed to: New"); break;
428 default: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection ICE gathering state changed to: Unknown"); break;
429 }
430 });
432 m_pPeerConnection->onIceStateChange(
433 [this](rtc::PeerConnection::IceState eIceState)
434 {
435 // Switch to translate the state to a string.
436 switch (eIceState)
437 {
438 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Checking: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Checking"); break;
439 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Closed: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Closed"); break;
440 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Completed: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Completed"); break;
441 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Connected: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Connected"); break;
442 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Disconnected: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Disconnected"); break;
443 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::Failed: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: Failed"); break;
444 case rtc::PeerConnection::IceState::New: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection ICE state changed to: New"); break;
445 default: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection ICE state changed to: Unknown"); break;
446 }
447 });
448 m_pPeerConnection->onSignalingStateChange(
449 [this](rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState eSignalingState)
450 {
451 // Switch to translate the state to a string.
452 switch (eSignalingState)
453 {
454 case rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState::HaveLocalOffer:
455 {
456 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection signaling state changed to: HaveLocalOffer");
457 break;
458 }
459 case rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState::HaveLocalPranswer:
460 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection signaling state changed to: HaveLocalPranswer");
461 break;
462 case rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState::HaveRemoteOffer:
463 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection signaling state changed to: HaveRemoteOffer");
464 break;
465 case rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState::HaveRemotePranswer:
466 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection signaling state changed to: HaveRemotePrAnswer");
467 break;
468 case rtc::PeerConnection::SignalingState::Stable: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "PeerConnection signaling state changed to: Stable"); break;
469 default: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection signaling state changed to: Unknown"); break;
470 }
471 });
473 m_pPeerConnection->onStateChange(
474 [this](rtc::PeerConnection::State eState)
475 {
476 // Switch to translate the state to a string.
477 switch (eState)
478 {
479 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::Closed: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Closed"); break;
480 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::Connected: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Connected"); break;
481 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::Connecting: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Connecting"); break;
482 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::Disconnected: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Disconnected"); break;
483 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::Failed: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Failed"); break;
484 case rtc::PeerConnection::State::New: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: New"); break;
485 default: LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Peer connection state changed to: Unknown"); break;
486 }
487 });
490 // Set some callbacks on important events for the data channel.
493 m_pDataChannel->onOpen(
494 [this]()
495 {
496 // Submit logger message.
497 LOG_INFO(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Data channel opened.");
499 // Request quality control of the stream.
500 m_pDataChannel->send(std::string(1, static_cast<char>(1)));
501 });
503 m_pDataChannel->onMessage(
504 [this](std::variant<rtc::binary, rtc::string> rtcMessage)
505 {
506 try
507 {
508 // Create instance variables.
509 nlohmann::json jsnMessage;
511 // Check if data is of type rtc::string.
512 if (std::holds_alternative<rtc::string>(rtcMessage))
513 {
514 // Retrieve the string message
515 std::string szMessage = std::get<rtc::string>(rtcMessage);
517 // Parse the JSON message from the signaling server.
518 jsnMessage = nlohmann::json::parse(szMessage);
519 LOG_NOTICE(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "DATA_CHANNEL Received message from peer: {}", szMessage);
520 }
521 else if (std::holds_alternative<rtc::binary>(rtcMessage))
522 {
523 // Retrieve the binary message.
524 rtc::binary rtcBinaryData = std::get<rtc::binary>(rtcMessage);
526 // Convert the binary data to a string, ignoring non-printable characters.
527 std::string szBinaryDataStr;
528 for (auto byte : rtcBinaryData)
529 {
530 if (std::isprint(static_cast<unsigned char>(byte)))
531 {
532 szBinaryDataStr += static_cast<char>(byte);
533 }
534 }
536 // Print the binary data as a string.
537 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "DATA_CHANNEL Received binary data ({} bytes): {}", rtcBinaryData.size(), szBinaryDataStr);
538 }
539 else
540 {
541 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Received unknown message type from peer");
542 }
543 }
544 catch (const std::exception& e)
545 {
546 // Submit logger message.
547 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Error occurred while negotiating with the datachannel: {}", e.what());
548 }
549 });
551 return true;
bool DecodeH264BytesToCVMat(const std::vector< uint8_t > &vH264EncodedBytes, cv::Mat &cvDecodedFrame, const AVPixelFormat eOutputPixelFormat)
Decodes H264 encoded bytes to a cv::Mat using FFmpeg.
Definition WebRTC.cpp:625
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ InitializeH264Decoder()

bool WebRTC::InitializeH264Decoder ( )

Initialize the H264 decoder. Creates the AVCodecContext, AVFrame, and AVPacket.

true - Successfully initialized the H264 decoder.
false - Failed to initialize the H264 decoder.
clayjay3 (
565 // Configure logging level from FFMPEG library.
566 av_log_set_level(AV_LOG_DEBUG);
568 // Find the H264 decoder
569 const AVCodec* avCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
570 if (!avCodec)
571 {
572 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "H264 codec not found!");
573 return false;
574 }
575 // Create codec context
576 m_pAVCodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(avCodec);
577 if (!m_pAVCodecContext)
578 {
579 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to allocate codec context!");
580 return false;
581 }
582 // Set codec context options.
583 m_pAVCodecContext->flags |= AV_CODEC_FLAG2_FAST;
584 m_pAVCodecContext->err_recognition = AV_EF_COMPLIANT | AV_EF_CAREFUL;
585 m_pAVCodecContext->rc_buffer_size = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50 MB buffer size.
586 av_opt_set_int(m_pAVCodecContext, "refcounted_frames", 1, 0);
587 av_opt_set_int(m_pAVCodecContext, "error_concealment", FF_EC_GUESS_MVS | FF_EC_DEBLOCK, 0);
588 av_opt_set_int(m_pAVCodecContext, "threads", 4, 0);
590 // Open the codec
591 if (avcodec_open2(m_pAVCodecContext, avCodec, nullptr) < 0)
592 {
593 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to open codec!");
594 return false;
595 }
597 // Allocate the AVPacket.
598 m_pPacket = av_packet_alloc();
599 // Allocate the AVFrame.
600 m_pFrame = av_frame_alloc();
601 if (!m_pPacket || !m_pFrame)
602 {
603 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to allocate packet or frame!");
604 return false;
605 }
607 // Set the SWSScale context to nullptr.
608 m_pSWSContext = nullptr;
610 return true;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ DecodeH264BytesToCVMat()

bool WebRTC::DecodeH264BytesToCVMat ( const std::vector< uint8_t > &  vH264EncodedBytes,
cv::Mat cvDecodedFrame,
const AVPixelFormat  eOutputPixelFormat 

Decodes H264 encoded bytes to a cv::Mat using FFmpeg.

vH264EncodedBytes- The H264 encoded bytes.
cvDecodedFrame- The decoded frame.
eOutputPixelFormat- The output pixel format.
true - Frame was successfully decoded.
false - Frame was not successfully decoded.
clayjay3 (
627 // Initialize packet data.
628 m_pPacket->data = const_cast<uint8_t*>(;
629 m_pPacket->size = static_cast<int>(vH264EncodedBytes.size());
631 // Send the packet to the decoder.
632 int nReturnCode = avcodec_send_packet(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pPacket);
633 if (nReturnCode < 0)
634 {
635 // Get the error message.
636 char aErrorBuffer[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE];
637 av_strerror(nReturnCode, aErrorBuffer, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE);
638 // Submit logger message.
639 LOG_NOTICE(logging::g_qSharedLogger,
640 "Failed to send packet to decoder! Error code: {} {}. This is not a serious problem and is likely just because some of the UDP RTP packets didn't "
641 "make it to us.",
642 nReturnCode,
643 aErrorBuffer);
644 // Request a new keyframe from the video track.
645 this->RequestKeyFrame();
647 return false;
648 }
650 // Receive decoded frames in a loop
651 while (true)
652 {
653 nReturnCode = avcodec_receive_frame(m_pAVCodecContext, m_pFrame);
654 if (nReturnCode == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || nReturnCode == AVERROR_EOF)
655 {
656 // No more frames available in stream.
657 break;
658 }
659 else if (nReturnCode < 0)
660 {
661 // Get the error message.
662 char aErrorBuffer[AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE];
663 av_strerror(nReturnCode, aErrorBuffer, AV_ERROR_MAX_STRING_SIZE);
664 // Submit logger message.
665 LOG_WARNING(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to receive frame from decoder! Error code: {} {}", nReturnCode, aErrorBuffer);
666 // Request a new keyframe from the video track.
667 this->RequestKeyFrame();
669 return false;
670 }
672 // Check if the user want to keep the YUV420P data un-altered.
673 if (eOutputPixelFormat == AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P)
674 {
675 // The frame received from the FFMPEG H264 decoder is already in YUV420P format.
676 // We want to keep the raw YUV420P byte data un-altered, but store that data in a RGB 3 channel Mat.
677 // Absolutely no colorspace conversion or the binary data will be corrupted.
679 // Extract the Y, U, and V planes.
680 cv::Mat cvYPlane(m_pFrame->height, m_pFrame->width, CV_8UC1, m_pFrame->data[0]);
681 cv::Mat cvUPlane(m_pFrame->height / 2, m_pFrame->width / 2, CV_8UC1, m_pFrame->data[1]);
682 cv::Mat cvVPlane(m_pFrame->height / 2, m_pFrame->width / 2, CV_8UC1, m_pFrame->data[2]);
683 // Upsample the U and V planes to match the Y plane.
684 cv::Mat cvUPlaneUpsampled, cvVPlaneUpsampled;
685 cv::resize(cvUPlane, cvUPlaneUpsampled, cv::Size(m_pFrame->width, m_pFrame->height), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
686 cv::resize(cvVPlane, cvVPlaneUpsampled, cv::Size(m_pFrame->width, m_pFrame->height), 0, 0, cv::INTER_NEAREST);
687 // Merge the Y, U, and V planes into a single 3 channel Mat.
688 std::vector<cv::Mat> vYUVPlanes = {cvYPlane, cvUPlaneUpsampled, cvVPlaneUpsampled};
689 cv::merge(vYUVPlanes, cvDecodedFrame);
690 }
691 else
692 {
693 // Convert the decoded frame to cv::Mat using sws_scale.
694 if (m_pSWSContext == nullptr)
695 {
696 m_pSWSContext = sws_getContext(m_pFrame->width,
697 m_pFrame->height,
698 static_cast<AVPixelFormat>(m_pFrame->format),
699 m_pFrame->width,
700 m_pFrame->height,
701 eOutputPixelFormat,
703 nullptr,
704 nullptr,
705 nullptr);
706 if (m_pSWSContext == nullptr)
707 {
708 // Submit logger message.
709 LOG_WARNING(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to initialize SwsContext!");
710 // Request a new keyframe from the video track.
711 this->RequestKeyFrame();
713 return false;
714 }
716 // Allocate buffer for the frame's data
717 int nRetCode = av_image_alloc(m_pFrame->data, m_pFrame->linesize, m_pFrame->width, m_pFrame->height, static_cast<AVPixelFormat>(m_pFrame->format), 32);
718 if (nRetCode < 0)
719 {
720 // Submit logger message.
721 LOG_WARNING(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Failed to allocate image buffer!");
722 return false;
723 }
724 }
726 // Create new mat for the decoded frame.
727 cvDecodedFrame.create(m_pFrame->height, m_pFrame->width, CV_8UC3);
728 std::array<uint8_t*, 4> aDest = {, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
729 std::array<int, 4> aDestLinesize = {static_cast<int>(cvDecodedFrame.step[0]), 0, 0, 0};
731 // Convert the frame to the output pixel format.
732 sws_scale(m_pSWSContext, m_pFrame->data, m_pFrame->linesize, 0, m_pFrame->height,,;
733 }
735 // Calculate the time since the last key frame request.
736 std::chrono::duration<double> tmTimeSinceLastKeyFrameRequest = std::chrono::system_clock::now() - m_tmLastKeyFrameRequestTime;
737 // Check if the time since the last key frame request is greater than the key frame request interval.
738 if (tmTimeSinceLastKeyFrameRequest.count() > 1.0)
739 {
740 // Request a new key frame from the video track.
741 // this->RequestKeyFrame();
743 // Set the QP factor to 0. (Max quality)
744 this->SendCommandToStreamer("{\"Encoder.MaxQP\":" + std::to_string(constants::SIM_WEBRTC_QP) + "}");
745 // Set the bitrate limits.
746 this->SendCommandToStreamer(R"({"WebRTC.MinBitrate":99999})");
747 this->SendCommandToStreamer(R"({"WebRTC.MaxBitrate":99999999})");
748 // Set FPS to 30.
749 this->SendCommandToStreamer(R"({"WebRTC.Fps":30})");
750 this->SendCommandToStreamer(R"({"WebRTC.MaxFps":30})");
751 // Here's the magic, this might work. Target bitrate is what has been causing the issues.
752 this->SendCommandToStreamer(R"({"Encoder.TargetBitrate":99999999})");
754 // Update the time of the last key frame request.
755 m_tmLastKeyFrameRequestTime = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
756 }
757 }
759 return true;
bool RequestKeyFrame()
Requests a key frame from the given video track. This is useful for when the video track is out of sy...
Definition WebRTC.cpp:772
bool SendCommandToStreamer(const std::string &szCommand)
This method sends a command to the streamer via the data channel. The command is a JSON string that i...
Definition WebRTC.cpp:805
uchar * data
void create(int rows, int cols, int type)
MatStep step
void merge(const Mat *mv, size_t count, OutputArray dst)
void resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR)
::uint8_t uint8_t
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ RequestKeyFrame()

bool WebRTC::RequestKeyFrame ( )

Requests a key frame from the given video track. This is useful for when the video track is out of sync or has lost frames.

true - Key frame was successfully requested.
false - Key frame was not successfully requested.
clayjay3 (
774 // Check if the video track is valid.
775 if (!m_pVideoTrack1)
776 {
777 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Invalid video track!");
778 return false;
779 }
781 // Submit logger message.
782 LOG_DEBUG(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Requested key frame from video track. Success?: {}", m_pVideoTrack1->requestKeyframe());
784 // Request a key frame from the video track.
785 return true;
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SendCommandToStreamer()

bool WebRTC::SendCommandToStreamer ( const std::string &  szCommand)

This method sends a command to the streamer via the data channel. The command is a JSON string that is sent as a binary message. The PixelStreaming plugin handles the command very weirdly, so we have to sort of encode the command in a specific way. This handles that encoding.

szCommand- The command to send to the streamer.
true - Command was successfully sent.
false - Command was not successfully sent.
This will only work for valid COMMANDS with ID of type 51. Check the PixelStreamingInfrastructure repo for more information.
clayjay3 (
807 // Check if the data channel is valid.
808 if (!m_pDataChannel)
809 {
810 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Invalid data channel!");
811 return false;
812 }
814 // Check if the command is empty.
815 if (szCommand.empty())
816 {
817 LOG_ERROR(logging::g_qSharedLogger, "Empty command!");
818 return false;
819 }
821 // Set the max QP to 0.
822 std::string szID(1, static_cast<char>(51)); // This is the ID for COMMAND.
823 std::string szSize(1, static_cast<char>(szCommand.size()));
824 std::string szFinal = szID + szSize + szCommand;
825 // Loop through the string and build a binary message.
826 rtc::binary rtcBinaryMessage;
827 // First byte is the ID.
828 rtcBinaryMessage.push_back(static_cast<std::byte>(szID[0]));
829 // Next two bytes are the size.
830 rtcBinaryMessage.push_back(static_cast<std::byte>(szSize[0]));
831 rtcBinaryMessage.push_back(static_cast<std::byte>(szSize[1]));
832 // The rest of the bytes are the command, but this is utf16 so we need to add a null byte before each character.
833 for (char cLetter : szCommand)
834 {
835 rtcBinaryMessage.push_back(static_cast<std::byte>(cLetter));
836 rtcBinaryMessage.push_back(static_cast<std::byte>(0));
837 }
839 // Send the binary message.
840 return m_pDataChannel->send(rtcBinaryMessage);
Here is the caller graph for this function:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: