Autonomy Software C++ 24.5.1
Welcome to the Autonomy Software repository of the Mars Rover Design Team (MRDT) at Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T)! API reference contains the source code and other resources for the development of the autonomy software for our Mars rover. The Autonomy Software project aims to compete in the University Rover Challenge (URC) by demonstrating advanced autonomous capabilities and robust navigation algorithms.
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WebRTC Member List

This is the complete list of members for WebRTC, including all inherited members.

ConnectToSignallingServer(const std::string &szSignallingServerURL)WebRTCprivate
DecodeH264BytesToCVMat(const std::vector< uint8_t > &vH264EncodedBytes, cv::Mat &cvDecodedFrame, const AVPixelFormat eOutputPixelFormat)WebRTCprivate
GetIsConnected() constWebRTC
m_cvFrame (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_eOutputPixelFormat (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_fnOnFrameReceivedCallback (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_muDecoderMutex (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pAVCodecContext (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pDataChannel (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pFrame (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pPacket (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pPeerConnection (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pSWSContext (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pTrack1H264DepacketizationHandler (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pTrack1RtcpReceivingSession (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pVideoTrack1 (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_pWebSocket (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_szSignallingServerURL (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_szStreamerID (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
m_tmLastKeyFrameRequestTime (defined in WebRTC)WebRTCprivate
SendCommandToStreamer(const std::string &szCommand)WebRTCprivate
SetOnFrameReceivedCallback(std::function< void(cv::Mat &)> fnOnFrameReceivedCallback, const AVPixelFormat eOutputPixelFormat=AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24)WebRTC
WebRTC(const std::string &szSignallingServerURL, const std::string &szStreamerID)WebRTC